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  1. LuckyMike

    2013 - A year in pictures

    Another most favorite is this picture of my 12-year old grand daughter and her dad (my son) with her first deer that's going to be hard to beat.
  2. LuckyMike

    2013 - A year in pictures

    I was trying to get my phone picture right side up!
  3. LuckyMike

    2013 - A year in pictures

    My son and his wife getting back at 1:00am from their evening bow hunt.
  4. LuckyMike

    On my way

    For some reason I was slow to see this thread. Really enjoyed your thorough write-up and the abundance of pictures. You got yourself a beautiful Stone Ram. Congratulations!! I second what Lv2hnt said in his post about taking advantage of youth and good health and go after those the things you...
  5. LuckyMike

    91 3/4'' deer shed

    Dinkshooter, Where I found that shed, no one from Colorado would have ever found it. They don't walk that far! :hump:
  6. LuckyMike

    91 3/4'' deer shed

    I know this is a really old thread. However, its an interesting subject considering a pair of 90" sheds only need 20" inside spread to be a 200" gross buck. Which is most mule deer hunters dream! Here is another Colorado shed for comparison. It could almost be the mate to the one Oak showed...
  7. LuckyMike

    "Badass" mountain climber!

    Most sheep hunters will feel like they put in a good days work after climbing (I'm talking ascent only) 2000 vertical feet in a day of hunting. On most sheep hunts this much climbing will be the daily norm and on tougher days they will climb in excess of 3000 vertical feet with 4000 not out of...
  8. LuckyMike

    Anybody shed hunt Ear mtn?

    I haven't shed hunted there, but some of the largest mule deer I've ever seen in Montana were in the side drainages of the North Fork of Deep Creek. Which is the country in behind Ear Mountain. You might find some outstanding mule deer sheds. Additionally you wouldn't be very far from the...
  9. October 24, 2013 - Colorado (2nd rifle Season)

    October 24, 2013 - Colorado (2nd rifle Season)

  10. LuckyMike

    AZ Elk - Man I love this place

    Super write-up of a great trip and father/son adventure. I really appreciate your knack for re-creating the real world of hunting, with all it's ups and downs. It's much more than just killing. Thanks.
  11. LuckyMike

    number 50

    Wow! That's a lot of elk in a lifetime. I have some friends here in Montana who have taken over 30 in their long hunting careers. But never known of anyone taking 50. Congratulations!
  12. LuckyMike

    Shout Out to the College Girl from Fallon

    Great story! Excellent testimony to the fact that all hunters are not out there just to kill something for themselves. I can relate very well to the consideration you showed for the other hunting party, since I am a grandfather of some young hunters myself. Lbirch, you write a good story. I...
  13. LuckyMike

    2013 bucks

    Super Montana muley! Congrats!!
  14. LuckyMike

    Good times in Montana

    Great Montana buck!!! Your buck is the best 2013 Montana buck that I have seen pictures of to date. Congratulations for overcoming our crowded and difficult hunting conditions on public land.
  15. LuckyMike

    2013 NV Elk

    Congratulations! Looks to me like you got a dandy. Probably a good decision to take this one offering a good shot. The big one up higher on the mountain still presented some uncertainties. None of us can really tell you if your decision was a good one or not. It comes down to you and your own...
  16. LuckyMike

    4th Season Colorado Success!

    I didn't see much for deer yesterday and the few I did see seemed more flighty than usual. Then as I was coming down off the mountain to my truck, I ran into these tracks and understood why.
  17. LuckyMike

    4th Season Colorado Success!

    Congratulations on getting a very nice Colorado buck! The additional portion of your post was especially interesting. Thanks, for sharing with all of us.
  18. LuckyMike

    1st Elk, 2nd Deer

    Looks like you have a great hunting partner! Congrats to both of you!
  19. LuckyMike

    What a HAAAWG!!!

    Your friend of a friend hit the jackpot with that one. What a tremendous bull!
  20. LuckyMike

    A MT Moose update

    Congratulations on a superb accomplishment! You really gave it your all and then some, considering your knee problem. You've taken a great trophy gaged by much more than the mass or score of the antlers. I have to admit though, I'm going to miss following your blow by blow update. Thanks...
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