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  1. LuckyMike

    Your favorite trout picture

    I've always liked this close up picture of a Montana rainbow with the fly that fooled her in her mouth.
  2. LuckyMike

    Your favorite trout picture

    Duck Lake rainbow.
  3. LuckyMike

    Boone & Crocket field photo con

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't think anyone has congratulated fellow Hunt Talker, Greenhorn for placing second in B&C's fifth annual field photo contest. I picked up on this in the Spring 2014 issue of Fair Chase. Congratulations, Greenhorn on your super photo and great trophy! Many of us felt...
  4. LuckyMike

    A Sunny Day Rainbow

    Maybe it's not all LUCK! ;)
  5. LuckyMike

    What a Better Than Great Day Looks Like!

    You and your daughter caught some beauties! Good going!
  6. LuckyMike

    More spring(?) in Montana

    You obviously know the drill! ;). Leeches best that day. Tyler's big one in the pictures was caught on an olive colored leech. I did best on brown.
  7. LuckyMike

    More spring(?) in Montana

    Yes, adipose is clipped. I'm thinking this one is an Arlee strain.??
  8. LuckyMike

    More spring(?) in Montana

    My son Tyler took the day off yesterday to go fishing with me. There was a little open water and a few nice rainbows to be had on the fly rod. This spot is 84-miles from my home. :)
  9. LuckyMike

    OK, Spring is here!

  10. LuckyMike

    OK, Spring is here!

    A small bead head nymph called a Rainbow Warrior. You can see most of it stuck in his upper lip.
  11. LuckyMike

    OK, Spring is here!

    Fishing a spot this morning that is only four miles from my house! :D
  12. LuckyMike

    Nice pelt in my Trailcam

    I'll have to wait 'til I check it again to answer your question.:)
  13. LuckyMike

    Nice pelt in my Trailcam

  14. LuckyMike

    I did draw and hunt Colorado unit-67. Harvested a mid-170's buck that I was happy with after...

    I did draw and hunt Colorado unit-67. Harvested a mid-170's buck that I was happy with after hunting for 6-days. I passed on one other good sized buck on opening morning. Both bucks were in the timber. My advice is go for it. There are some real trophies there, although few and far between. I...
  15. LuckyMike

    Mountain lion rug, claws

    I think claws out is consistent with the expression on his face. Claws are always an interesting item for folks looking at your very nice rug.
  16. LuckyMike

    Wyoming Elk Results

    No luck in drawing a Wyoming elk tag for this guy. Congrats, to those of you who did!
  17. LuckyMike

    2013 Colorado mule deer

    I used to take that kind of offer very seriously! Problem nowadays, I'm truly retired. I can barely stay on top of the needs of my immediate family. Getting geared up to mount some fish for my daughter and two grand kids. Most of the fish have been in my freezer for three years. I would have...
  18. LuckyMike

    2013 Colorado mule deer

    Thanks everyone, for all the nice complements.
  19. LuckyMike

    2013 Colorado mule deer

    Just finished mounting my mule deer buck from Colorado last fall. This guy had a beautiful cape with dark contrasting colors and silky smooth hair texture. Killed him by himself, well before the rut on October 26th. He's darn good eating to boot!
  20. LuckyMike

    Here are some more pics

    Looks like a great hunting spot. You could just about fill all your tags there! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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