Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. S

    MT FWP app

    I am going to try it for a year. Biggest issue I see so far is I now have to make sure my phone goes with me whenever I am fishing or hunting, which in the past I have not always taken it.
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    Yellowstone Bison

    Yeah I'm aware its nothing new, it just seems there is a better way to go about it. I have spent some time at the Lamar Buffalo Station, cool place. Took one of my classes there for a few days back when I was teaching many years ago.
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    Yellowstone Bison

    I don't know all the specifics on all the tribal tags and other things they hand out for these, I know there are quite a few. However Montana has 2 districts where they have Bison hunts for when the Bison come out of the park. The last few years there has been very few tags filled as the Bison...
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    Crazy Mountains Public Access & FS Management Lawsuit Filed Today

    Roads are not the same, I know this from experience as my family went to court over an easement through a road. If they can show an easement existed at any time for the road then any 5 year or longer time frame makes no difference. This 5 year thing for trails is total BS if true. A property...
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    Snakes in Tents?

    On a September archery hunt a friend backpacked in with me. Elected to not bring a tent and just a bivy sack. It proceeded to snow so he built a lean to and slept under that. We had a fire since it was chilly in the evening and he took a couple of the hot rocks and put them in his lean to...
  6. S

    Need some advice from you backcountry elk slayers

    No calls for me in October. If they are making noise the chances of them coming to you are low, but with a gun and knowing where they are just go in towards them. Boned out for me, but it depends on distance. Over about 3 miles and I'm not lugging those bones out. Those bones are really...
  7. S

    An Oldie but a Goodie

    And my end result after using the bondo to create the end of the main beam is this. So now it is ready to be passed off to the girlfriend to be painted as she is much more of an artist than I am.
  8. S

    An Oldie but a Goodie

    Next, as I mentioned somewhere earlier in this thread I could not find the last few inches of the main beam. So I will build the last 5-6 inches of that. My plan was to use the remaining bondo I had left from fixing up the main beam. But to do that I need something for the bondo to attach to...
  9. S

    An Oldie but a Goodie

    The next step I don't seem to have any pictures of. I swear I took one. I used a metal rod and glued it in the hole with several coats of gorilla glue to give it some strength. It was a 1/2" diameter metal rod that was hollow. This was to give it some strength at the spot where the top 2...
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    An Oldie but a Goodie

    With some down time in the winter months I have gotten around to working on this antler a bit. These first pictures are after I got it cleaned up. It had a fair amount of dirt and roots inside the main beam where the hole is. I cleaned it out as good as I could and then got off the dirt and...
  11. S

    3 Week season for Mule Deer

    I started listening about halfway through the deer part. Did they confirm actual changes to a 3 week season or did they just open up the possibility of doing it? Was a little confusing for the part I heard. I am for this and think it would help get more older mature bucks although I think...
  12. S

    MT - Changes in Hunting Regs/Units/Seasons coming this month

    It says you can comment until Jan 14. How is that considered 30 days when their actual proposal isn't even available yet on their website? I see the in person meeting in Helena is only 3 days off. We don't even have the full proposed regulations in our hands yet and the meeting is on Monday...
  13. S

    Goat recovery on a rope...

    What an epic retrieval!
  14. S

    you got the "big bull" tag?

    Great story and write up. You certainly got the most out of that tag. I also have considered pulling up stakes on this tag and trying elsewhere but have decided to stay the path, partially since I can see it from my front porch and I could hunt it a lot if I ever draw the tag.
  15. S

    “Big 3” all from your home state

    You guys all suck. At the rate I'm going I'll be 157 years old by the time I get the chance to even hunt all 3. Me and my whole family is 0 for whatever in drawing any of these tags. Born and raised resident.
  16. S

    Upper Madison River Hebgen Damn Malfunction

    The current fish should be fine, even with those lower flows as there is oxygen and a current, although some could be stuck in some side pools. I think the biggest concern is the fish fry that are on redds that were most likely already in shallow water anyway. I saw where I believe Trout...
  17. S

    Best inflatable sleeping pad?

    I take two pads. Klymit Insulated Static V with a NEMO Switchback foam pad underneath it. Lots of pros to this setup. R is over 6, combined it costs less than many of the others mentioned, I use the foam pad to sit or lay on when I am outside the tent and the foam underneath the Klymit makes...
  18. S

    Cows move in Elk leave

    The elk on public land don't like to mix in within the cows in the exact spots the cows like to be in. In my experience the elk don't go far though, they just don't like to be in the preferred spots the cows hang out.
  19. S

    MT Ram

    I have found these damn things all over one of the areas I elk hunt. Its not even that close to any towns but it is amazing how far they travel and how long they survive after they land somewhere.
  20. S

    Montana Antelope Draw

    Nope. 11 unsuccessful's in Montana this year, managed just a Deer B tag. Fingers crossed on a antelope doe tag.

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