Recent content by Wrong Burgundy

  1. Wrong Burgundy

    Hey there, This is a super random message, but I am starting the process of applying for goat...

    Hey there, This is a super random message, but I am starting the process of applying for goat here in MT. I believe you drew the 316 Mt goat tag in 2024, am I reading that right? The reason I ask is that district is the highest draw odds for my points (21) and was curious how your hunt went...
  2. Wrong Burgundy

    #Winning = more public land poop

    Looks like donnie backtracked....maybe he can hold off on the FAA firings too? I have a bunch of work trips coming up and would prefer not to have the plane fall out of the sky...
  3. Wrong Burgundy

    Let’s see them camps!

    Baja spearfishing "camp". We would roam around the beaches and set up for the day, spearing, fishing and snorkeling. Tasty reef fish were harmed during the trip....
  4. Wrong Burgundy

    RIP for all the weirdo’s out there

    "Heineken!? F*ck that sh*t! Pabst Blue Ribbon!" Dennis Hopper, man of refined tastes.
  5. Wrong Burgundy

    EOY '24 - What Worked, What Didn't

    Spartan bipod. Really sturdy, easy to adjust and I like how easy it is to attach or remove. I hate a fixed bipod on a rifle when carrying it, so this one fit the bill.
  6. Wrong Burgundy

    1000 inch whitetail?

    This dude is apparently a Domino's Pizza franchise owner who really enjoys paying for sex paying for huge, farm raised animals. Dumb. I don't get it. To spend that kind of $$ just go after the real thing and have a real hunt with a guide....I would...
  7. Wrong Burgundy

    Montana, talk to me about your mountain whitetail.

    A buddy of mine and I joke that we have a separate species of "Montana mountain whitetails. We have killed a handful over the years deep in the mountains, thick pine forests, etc. where we are seeing elk sign and deer sign throughout the area. I shot a nice buck in late Oct. a few seasons back...
  8. Wrong Burgundy

    Introduction to Muzzleloading

    For a total muzzy noob living in MT, what would be one or two solid choices for a gun, powder, bullet weight, etc? The plan would be to chase whitetails during the Heritage season and put more meat in the freezer if I still had a tag or two left over from general rifle. Apologies if the...
  9. Wrong Burgundy

    10+ Years of Use, What Worked

    Filson bird vest. I got it in the early 90s, and it is still going strong. I doubt I will ever wear it out.
  10. Wrong Burgundy

    Vista Outdoors - sells....again....

    Well, the second time Vista (and all of their brands - Stone Glacier, Simms, Camp Chef, etc.) are on the merry go round in about 2-3 years? That does not sound like career fun... Ammo sale is done, too.
  11. Wrong Burgundy

    Jacket- Heat Dump and back sweat ?

    This kind of layering is pretty popular for the conditions you are describing. There are other cheaper options on the market, but the science behind it is pretty solid. I have not tried them yet, but nordic skiers, climbers, etc. are fans of this kind of layering. Something to consider. I...
  12. Wrong Burgundy

    Experience with Durston Tents?

    Since I am already thinking about next season and September hunts, does anyone have personal experience using a Durston X-Mid tent? I don't think I am cool enough to warrant the Dyneema version, but have used a TarpTent for several years, and really like the packability and lightweight of these...
  13. Wrong Burgundy

    Proposition KK

    I would like to add taxing churches to this list of "to dos"....
  14. Wrong Burgundy

    Double Up on AK moose

    Kara's bull is unreal! Such a wild tangle of antlers and the mass was crazy. I like that one more than the other, but wouldn't pass up a shot either way. Great hunt and video!

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