Recent content by Wayne_Brent

  1. Wayne_Brent

    Christmas movies… sort of.

    Will Penny… ^^^^^^2nd only behind 3 Godfathers IMO.
  2. Wayne_Brent

    Great Social Media posts? Which one of you westies is this? Tip of the hat.🎩
  3. Wayne_Brent

    2023 spring turkey!

    April 8 can’t get here soon enough. For anyone interested, there’s a podcast called Wild Turkey Science. Hosted by actual scientists and sponsored by TFT (Turkeys For Tomorrow). Should be on whatever platform you use to listen to podcasts. Interesting stuff, IMO. Edit: They’re on YouTube as well.
  4. Wayne_Brent

    It's time to admit it's over

    Come on down to NW Virginia. You can kill does until March 27, on private. Get ya two or three with one shot (including fetuses). I’m over deer hunting…time to get ready for spring Gobblers.
  5. Wayne_Brent

    Favorite Edible Plants Of The Backcountry ?

    I’ve never been a big fan of morels, I’d much rather have the shrooms that pop up in late summer. Leatherbacks Ramps Sassafras tea
  6. Wayne_Brent

    The Other Football

    Meh….thought this thread was about the other “REAL” football…
  7. Wayne_Brent

    Friday Tunes That Make You Say Wow

    Never gets old…….
  8. Wayne_Brent

    Think it’s so easy??

    I’d rather drive than fly any day. I’ll be making my eighth trip to MT this fall. 1800 miles straight through each way. I travel with company though. The trip is part of the experience for me. Love it.