Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Recent content by Two7D

  1. T

    .243 Winchester

    That's what I ended up ordering.
  2. T

    .243 Winchester

    That is funny! We've also had great success with a 223, a few years ago I would have thought it was too small but we have had great success on deer, pronghorn, and bigger, with surprising lethality. We've been shooting heavier well constructed bullets, get close, and put the bullet where it...
  3. T

    .243 Winchester

    I don't reload. Some factory ammo shoots better than others as far as accuracy goes. I have a couple savages.
  4. T

    .243 Winchester

    What was the performance of the 95 lrx?
  5. T

    .243 Winchester

    Nice buck! It's truly a proud moment when our kids get their first big game. I'm looking for the lightest recoil as possible as I know that's what my kids prefer. That being said if I got the Ruger American Go Wild I'd probably remove the muzzle break so there wouldn't be excessive noise as they...
  6. T

    .243 Winchester

    What do you mean by 'Savage will eventually fight itself to death'?
  7. T

    .243 Winchester

    Mostly deer and pronghorn
  8. T

    .243 Winchester

    I'm trying to decide on a new rifle for the kids. I'm currently thinking of getting a Ruger American Go Wild or the Savage 110 Trail Hunter. I have more experience with Savage vs. Ruger and know that Savage is typically accurate but can also be picky. Seems like the vast majority of reviews on...
  9. T

    Triple 7 powder???

    Does leave some crud in the barrel but it wipes off 10x easier than pyrodex. I've been shooting it since it came out. It has always been available when I needed it. I've probably used it on 9 or so successful deer hunts and two successful elk hunts. Good accuracy and velocity.
  10. T

    .270 as an elk round

    I've killed 4 elk with my 6.8-06. One with core lokts, one with 150 gr. sst, and the others with a bonded bullet not sure maybe a speer variety. If I did my part it took one shot. If I messed up it took more than one shot. Never shot an elk with it and lost it. I would imagine the 130 grain...
  11. T

    Robb Elementary

    Thoughts and prayers to all impacted by the mass shooting at Robb Elementary in Texas. May God bring the families comfort and peace.
  12. T

    Barnes Triple Shock 130 grain for elk?

    I shoot the 130 ttsx in my 270. Dropped an oryx with one shot, I'm sure it would drop an elk. Good luck.
  13. T

    You draw one tag next year…

    Any elk, bull or cow but deep down in my heart I would almost prefer the cow. I would put less pressure on myself going after a cow, and more than likely have any easier chance at notching the tag and filling the freezer.
  14. T

    Alive day....

    Forever grateful for all who served and sacrificed for this country. God bless.
  15. T

    Son needs a rifle for deer hunting

    Less recoil. My daughter is a little recoil shy and would be more comfortable shooting a gun with a little less kick. All kids are different though, it bothers some more than others. Used .223 Rem. for deer and pronghorn she likes shooting that. Within it's limitations that little .223 does...
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