Yeti GOBOX Collection

Recent content by thusby

  1. thusby

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    With ya, spent probably $1500 on computers with the monitor built into the housing from Apple.
  2. thusby

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    When you are selling PLTR do you ever worry that you will end up like the early AAPL profit takers?
  3. thusby

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    Cramer said it was the next GameStop, should be an opposite effect and it goes up!
  4. thusby

    4 Nations Hockey USA vs Canada

    If you think too much, you’re thinking too much. this is too much fun for late February, just enjoy it.
  5. thusby

    Retire early to hunt more?

    Fixed income hunting sounds great!
  6. thusby

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    How bout KEYS finally popping?
  7. thusby

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    It’s a buying pop. Unless you don’t like money.
  8. thusby

    Unpopular Opinion on Brisket

    Cooking brisket is a great way to start drinking beer at 6 a.m. That’s why it’s so popular.
  9. thusby

    Bear Skull Cleaning - Keeping the teeth as is

    Am I the only one who soaks bear skulls in acetone for a couple weeks?
  10. thusby

    2025-26 Season plans?

    Burn my 9 Colorado elk points and never reenter the game in that state. Kansas goose is probably in the cards.
  11. thusby

    Death by Bear falling on him ?

    That’s why you tie your dogs back and make sure everyone is accounted for before the shot. No reason to rush it, the bear is already caught.
  12. thusby

    A little after school luck

    I hunt in terrible whitetail country….
  13. thusby

    Any hockey fans out there?

    Every year starts like this for the Wild, I’m still gonna play the role of the long-suffering fan!
  14. thusby

    Is 'Useful electric snow blower" an oxymoron?

    I always find the shovel to be a good way to get exercise in midwinter.
  15. thusby

    Is 'Useful electric snow blower" an oxymoron?

    You might as well call an electric blower a snow sweeper. If snow is heavier than what you can move with a broom, it becomes pretty useless.