Our place is in Mississippi. Sherman marched through there or maybe I should say burned and destroyed everything as he passed through. He burned our county seat. We are also near a railroad that was there at that time and soldiers likely traveled through on the way to the battle of Vicksburg.
Soldiers from the Civil War moved through our family land. They camped and maybe even skirmished there. We have found a lot of musket balls, knives and spoons, ect. My grandfather said when he was young, they found old rifles while plowing and would just toss them aside. Next time I visit my...
I have always used fixed heads, with the exception of the one time I used a mechanical and didn't recover an elk, due to lack of penetration. I have used 125 gr Slick Trick Magnums since 2007. They fly like field points and I've had great penetration using them. I have killed elk, mule deer, and...
Thank you and I will do that.
BHA mentions this bill here, although there is no link to take action.
Almost a week into this and still no call to action that I’ve seen from conservation orgs. Am I missing something? Why aren’t we hearing more about this? It’s potentially the biggest land grab that we’ve seen in MT. I’m hoping that someone in know will telll us it’s DOA in the senate...
Exhibit A for why states can’t be trusted with federal lands. Why wouldn’t you try to find ways for all of the people of MT to access our public lands instead of selling them off to a privilege few?