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Recent content by shb

  1. S

    Trapping Thread 2024/2025

    With 110's
  2. S

    Trapping Thread 2024/2025

    Mink? Newspaper boxes.
  3. S

    Remembering when you could eat for cheap

    Thursday night. Free Beer at Grandma's Bar - Powell WY Till 10:00 pm Then back over to Hansel & Gretels till closing time. Then a case on the floor board, and head for the hot pots at Mammoth. But you gots to skedaddle when the sky starts getting light, or the rangers will catch you. Circa...
  4. S

    308 Moses

    Why no pics? Why no intro? If you gots a better mousetrap, introduce yourself , and lay it out with charts, and prints, and photos.
  5. S

    What would you do?

    If your reboring, and fluting......all factory originality is out the window. Why not just order a new barrel from shilen/lilja/etc?
  6. S

    Primer issues.... or something else.

    Dirt, and gun oil dough restricting your firing pin.
  7. S

    Land management agency impact stories...

    What does "preparing timber plots for bidding" actually mean?
  8. S

    Bullet seating coal differences

    Measure over all length of 5 bullets , just the bullet, and you'll pull your hair out.
  9. S

    why the code name

    Rightly so.
  10. S

    Trapping Thread 2024/2025

    Oh, I didn't catch them. I just took pictures of them at a fur sale. I never have figured out how to dispatch without them spraying. I think it's a big myth to prank new guys.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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