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Recent content by Sandbrew

  1. Sandbrew

    Can you make phone calls over Starlink?

    Starlink has been awesome at my house where I have struggled with reliable internet and phone service for 25+ years. My phone service was so bad I even sued USWest in a case action lawsuit and won in the late 1990s....but that's a story for a different day. Once I confirmed Starlink was good to...
  2. Sandbrew

    HB-1258 Scientific Wildlife Management

    Not a big fan of this seemingly minor change but it is BIG deal - In law, "shall" is used to indicate a mandatory action, while "may" is used to indicate a permissive action.
  3. Sandbrew

    24' MT Mountain Goat Harvest

    One thing to keep in mind goats that tumble can and often do break off one or both horns. There's almost always a 5 or 6 year old billy with a 9 inch horn and a sub 6 inch horn in the Colorado MT goat stats like this one that I'm sure took a tumble.
  4. Sandbrew

    Sheep Show in Reno

    That sucks for you but the rest of us in the room cheered for you not being there.....Sorry!
  5. Sandbrew

    Colorado relocating wolves.

    TOGIE- There is a formula set up based on the ballot initiative to compensate livestock losses for Open Cattle, Missing Calves and Confirmed Depredations. Ranchers had to have 3 years previous records to compare against post wolf numbers. The losses are based on current losses - previous 3 year...
  6. Sandbrew

    Breakneck Billy: A Goat Hunt On Crack

    Loving the story so far. Can't wait to see how you finish it off with showing up at a Vote No on 127 gathering only a few minutes late... ;-)
  7. Sandbrew

    Dall's Sheep and Mountain Caribou Raffle

    Damn you @Oak ticket # 501 in hand. Hope a Hunttalker wins. Good luck to all. Sandbrew
  8. Sandbrew

    Raffle tags - yeah or nay?

    @BuzzH and @idahohuntr I'd like to make the case that at least in Colorado we do see some very positive results from the Auction an Raffle funds raised with a big thanks to @Big Fin for allowing @Oak to promote those raffle on this forum. In 2005 when I was the President of the Rocky Mountain...
  9. Sandbrew

    Colorado elk unit 39 or 66

    I'll bite..... I have a muzzy deer tag for 39 & 46 and a buddy with a bull moose tag in 39 & 46 so I'd be happy to trade info privately. SAndbrew
  10. Sandbrew

    What is you "Happy Place"?

    One of my favorite happy places - I almost always see bighorn sheep, mountain goats, moose, deer and elk in this valley.
  11. Sandbrew

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    I just got a $60.05 charge for a 2nd choice bear tag
  12. Sandbrew

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    I know one guy who drew a tag so far and a dozen or more that drew a point. Good luck to all. Sandbrew
  13. Sandbrew

    2024 Colorado Statewide Sheep, Mountain Goat, and Pronghorn Raffles

    I think your numbers are correct so $26K x 2 for the RMBS match for $52,000 plus the pass the hats for another $3,357 So $55,357 total for CRWM.
  14. Sandbrew

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    I personally don't think there are many getting back in the draw after harvesting then waiting 5 years then get back to 3 years worth of points to be eligible in the 9th year since harvest any longer. Many choose desert sheep after killing a Rocky. I voted no on this but was out voted for...
  15. Sandbrew

    2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

    Dare I ask Rocky or Desert?
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