Redmt's latest activity

  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Biden Is Out.
    Funny, ex has been trump ran his whole presidency sitting on the shitter tweeting his decrees.
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Biden Is Out.
    I'm sitting here watching NASCAR, drinking a Pure Leaf ice tea and just ripped down a Klondike original ice cream.
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Biden Is Out.
    Even being from CA I always found the saying "Land of fruits and nuts" to be pretty funny.
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to Rie Bread's post in the thread Biden Is Out with Like Like.
    It sure doesn’t but the California symbolism was hard to resist
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to 406dn's post in the thread Biden Is Out with Like Like.
    Yesterday a good friend drove and met me to run bird dogs as the sun came up. There is a short window, where it's cool enough to be safe...
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to appaloosa's post in the thread Biden Is Out with Like Like.
    One down, one to go. #anybodyelse2024
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to Chingon's post in the thread Biden Is Out with Like Like.
    I'd love to see a fresh slate on both sides.
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Biden Is Out.
    Ummm, frozen food doesn't come in cans. Just sayin'.
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to DFS's post in the thread Biden Is Out with Like Like.
    I had two mule deer come through my yard last night. It was a glorious sight to see.
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Biden Is Out.
    I hope everyone is respectful. An American citizen should always respect the office of the President whether you like the man or not...
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Scammer Scum - Beware.
    I'll be take the advice. A legit guy wouldn't mind and vice versa
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Scammer Scum - Beware.
    I dabble back and forth with a few guys here buying and selling. I'm pretty cautious I think. It's kinda upsetting that someone could...
  • Redmt
    Redmt replied to the thread Load Data Records.
    You would think that once you would have developed a suitable load that you would quit looking for a better one. Everything I shoot is...
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to Bonasababy's post in the thread Grand Rapids Rally with Like Like.
    Especially Trumps, which amount to a lie fest and fundraising party to support his defense against all of his legal woes. They are...
  • Redmt
    Redmt reacted to Zim's post in the thread Grand Rapids Rally with Angry Angry.
    Any other Hunt Talkers here at the Grand Rapid Mich. Trump rally today? Waiting for the walking dead competition to bow out.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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