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Recent content by Pup

  1. P

    Slydog-Pup Howler

    Glad that it worked for ya. Sly really makes a nice call. later pup
  2. P

    where did everyone go

    Hammer, hammer, hammer, damn, hammer , hammer, damn. hammer hammer, sit and dream about coyote hunting, wap, hit with broom, hammer, hammer, hammer...... later pup
  3. P

    Sly Dog's Hunt Pics

    yeah some pics and some stories would be nice. ,Slydog. do you have any new ones coming out in the Idaho mag. I really enjoyed the ones that you sent. That is a great program. later pup
  4. P

    coyote rifle

    Yeah Danny, I guess that is one of the advantages of being a '65 model. I have got alot of calibers to choose from. Even the .204 has been around longer. But hey I am convinced that the coyote ,1/4 my age, uses 1/4 more intelligence than used by some of us. I guess that is why...
  5. P

    Wind Direction?

    When I get up, I go outside and check the wind, then set my trail accordingly. Of course every good cover that I like to call, I normally have two stands to call it from one for the south wind and one for the north. Most generally, I don't vary unless, I can't gain the wind advantage from lack...
  6. P

    coyote rifle

    I have a .243 that my granddaddy gave me. Awesome rifle and a pretty good coyote round as well. Granddaddy liked the 75gr hp from Sierra. I use a .2o tactical, .222, .223, 22-250, .243, 25-06. The shotgun some, and even the .22 mag on occasion. Now, can I decide which one to take, yeah...
  7. P

    ATV's should be banned.........

    Ah.. trouble in paradise. We had several stands busted, by either hikers, horseback riders, or ATV's,in previous trips to AZ. I don't have to deal with this much as almost all of the land we hunt in OK. is private and the majority of the land here is private. I guess that is part of the...
  8. P

    ATV's should be banned.........

    Ah.. trouble in paradise. We had several stands busted, by either hikers, horseback riders, or ATV's,in previous trips to AZ. I don't have to deal with this much as almost all of the land we hunt in OK. is private and the majority of the land here is private. I guess that is part of the...
  9. P

    Here is this weekends take!

    Good job, I really, really need to come and see the "Rollin' Road Show" . You guys rock. I see the twenty is doing nicely. I am still fine tuning just a little. I ordered some Berger's that should help my cause. Awesome job, thanks again for sharing. later pup
  10. P

    Help a confused rookie out...

    I think BalaPlata is 1/2 right. Still wondering about the other 1/2. Which could possibly be a lean, summertime, Arizona mutt. Funny how slick and shiny the fur is. The last summer pup I shot was not that slick and shiny. I guess the arid country had more to offer.
  11. P

    How far from the truck?

    Here in Ok. with all the Oil and Gas wells, coyotes are shot at from the truck alot. I seen one the other day. It had been raining and quit. Being hot the past several days, the rain felt good. The coyote was just standing out in the middle of 40 acres. I started to slow down to just get a...
  12. P

    What would it take?

    Cool Pics, thanks for sharing. later pup
  13. P

    irritations on a coyote hunt

    Yeah had that happen four in a row the other day with the pdogs. My bud was about to hurt himself laughing so hard. later pup
  14. P

    Welcome Wolverine

    hello pard, good to see you here, always room for the maker of great BBQ sauce, You boy's want to trade your calls for something, hit up W@W for some sauce, it is worth a couple of calls and a thousand mile drive. later pup
  15. P

    where should i set up to call

    early morning and late evening are the best, if it is productive I will call on through the day. The best thing to do is to get out there an get to calling, rent or borrow or buy two videos, Coming to the call, Byron South, and Calling all coyotes, Randy Anderson. Both of these are a must see...

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