Your right, I cant add, I never claimed math is my strong suite. LOL I still don't think losing a week will result in crowding. Most of the crowding takes place in mid September.
Archery season will experience even more overcrowding by shortening the season-
Current 2024 Archery season is 35 44 days , proposed season is 39 37 days. edit.... My math was wrong, I still dont think this will cause crowding, Most of the pressure occurs in in early- Mid Sept
I also...
I took s trip to Illinois this past week just in time for a bout of terrible weather. Due mostly doing incredibly good luck I tagged out the first morning in the rain. Id rather be lucky than good any day. 10.5" paintbrush beard and 1 1/16 spurs.
Not saying these arnt the suspects but
Have they actually proven this truck transported the birds? I've read a couple articles in this and theyve all only said fish and game wants to speak with them. Is there some more info thats come out? Not saying they didnt have turkeys in the trailer but...
My wife and i took a trip down to central OK on a swap hunt. We couldnt have asked for a better hunt....ok less wind would have been good, but really cant complain. My bird came in screaming at about 1030. My wifes hit the ground at about 430. Mine had a 3" beard (beard rot) and 1 1/4 spurs...
So Im working my way through the super slam and Im planning on x-ing off KS next spring. One of the options I was looking at was Fort Riley and the public around there. Anyone have experience in that area and be willing to share? I am looking for spots, but Im looking for a one and done kind of...
Ive been planning to knock North Dakota off my turkey to-do list for a couple years and the planning finally came together this spring. A couple buddies and I headed out and arrived at the designated area after dark on a Wednesday night. Using waypoints on onx and information freely given by one...