Recent content by oldoregon

  1. O

    dads buck

    Dad says thank you to all you guys for the congrats.
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    dads buck

    My dads Oregon buck. Scores 166 even, shot on the 3rd.
  3. O

    For Sale, .444 Marlin Sporter

    I'd trade you a saddle for it. It's a real good saddle... Let me know, and i'll give you more information.
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    for your enjoyment.

    Hart mountain oregon- spring break 2005 took a roadtrip down there with some friends, and forgot to show yall the pictures. enjoy.
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    Hello Guys and Gals
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    I'm graduationg tomorrow at 11 am. Anybody wanna come. Wallowa high school Gym, wallowa oregon... big ole barbeque to follow! yall are welcome to come.
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    most difficult athletic feat

    bull riding, just because it is so hard, and dangerous.
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    Need Mods....

    I come to this site atleast every other day, if not every single day, I just never post. I would Kepp this place hoppin. Anywho, I havent been up to much lately. Been training the colt, and learning horsemanship from my boss. Doing some shed hunting and whatnot.... Took some cool pics over...
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    Need Mods....

    Let me do it moosie. Im knowledgeble... In the summer of 2003 I kept a tally of all the ground squirrels I killed, and the official tally was 856! Does that make me knowledgeble enough?
  10. O

    found this at outdoor life B and C trophy maps.

    My County In Oregon Is Listed For Bighorns. 16+
  11. O

    Guide services

    yep lol...............................
  12. O

    need to name this guy

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    need to name this guy

    I decided on a name. Comarron- wild. Marron for short- means brown. Hes brown an dwild
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    need to name this guy

    yes it is a small horse... He is mustang, which is a pretty small breed in the first place, and he is only a colt, hes got 3 or 4 years of growing left in him yet. I'm likeing the names guys, please keep 'em coming!
  15. O

    Anyone wanna buy a trophy room?

    what a friggin idiot
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