No problem I have a couple camo waist/fanny packs as well (rarely used them) but I doubt neither one of us wear it strapped across our chest wearing shorts and white T-shirt like we're going to the shopping mall.
Unfortunately this happened to me this year with pronghorn. I was applying for three people and after I applied myself for elk I totally forgot pronghorn. Didn't realize it until few days ago.
I had 9 plus loyalty point. I should be sitting at 11 points now but still at 9. It's my fault but...
I hand load TSS for waterfowl and turkeys. For turkey I load #9's in 20 gauge and #10 for the .410. My son has killed several toms with the .410 since 8 years old, he's now 12. I have recently been grabbing the .410 for myself because it's just so fun to me. Lightweight and very little recoil...
I posted on here a couple years ago about 3 children my wife and I adopted. Liam who was 4 months is now 6 years old. He has been asking to go hunting. Now that duck season is over and it is still goose season this was the perfect scenario. A local farmer lets me hunt his pond it is about 3 to 4...
The last two days my 12 year old son and I have had some fun.
My truck said 6 degrees on the way to hunt today. We found a small body of water the ducks have been keeping open while everything else besides the river is frozen. Drake killed his first pintail today. Exciting for both of us. Pups...
First try at making stir fry at home. Turned out pretty good. Would make it again, wife and children liked it. Whitetail doe for the meat. The meat never hit the freezer. Dry aged it in extra fridge for about 14 days.