There are good deals to be found out there but you gotta be quick and lucky.
In the midst of the summer is not the time to buy one unfortunately. In the fall and around Christmas time is when you can find the bargains. Good luck as it took me 3 years to find the right boat at a great price.
Also could be that your inserts aren’t square with your arrow. Having a broadhead not square to your arrow can cause planing like you have that won’t show up with field points.
Another thing to consider is having the proper spine stiffness. Too weak or too stiff of an arrow can cause this issue...
I can't imagine someone going through with a land conveyance after knowing that a survey would cloud title for that particular parcel. That just seems crazy to me. This is the exact reason to have a parcel surveyed as well as having an updated abstract and title report done when purchasing a...
The main problem with old deed descriptions that do not "close" like you mention typically is because the parcel was never actually surveyed, or if it was surveyed it was done very poorly. Most poor legal descriptions that are on a deed were more than likely done without any survey at all and...
Not my monkey, and not my circus, but there's no way in H that I'd be buying a new vehicle right now with the way things are lining up with supply.
I just can't bring myself to pay what these new trucks are going for. Most optioned 3/4 ton trucks are MSRP-ing for more than it cost me to build...