Recent content by NVDesertHunter

  1. NVDesertHunter

    Northern Arizona early archery hunt tactics

    Drew a northern AZ early archery elk tag this year. Have hunted elk before but not an expert. Outside of the universal elk tips (wind, patience, hunt all day). Is there any specific hunting tips for AZ archery elk? I am expecting high hunting pressure and lots of UTV traffic but wanted to know...
  2. NVDesertHunter

    AZ hitting CCs for spring hunts

    34A was my first choice so 🤞
  3. NVDesertHunter

    Water Guzzlers on Onxmaps

    That didn't seem to work either, but thanks for the help. Much more helpful than OnX's website
  4. NVDesertHunter

    Water Guzzlers on Onxmaps

    Has anyone had issues with water guzzlers not showing up on their desktop for OnXmaps?
  5. NVDesertHunter

    Plate ‘em up

    Duck with rice noddles and veggies CA wild pig ribs smoked with apple wood.
  6. NVDesertHunter

    Long-range Muzzleloaders

    Most of the states I hunt in prohibit scopes on muzzleloaders. Curious what ranges people are shooting big-game with "long-range" open sight muzzleloaders. I have a T/C and my farthest shot on game is 130yds but curious how far a semi custom set-up can reach out to. thanks
  7. NVDesertHunter

    Plate ‘em up

    homemade noodles using backyard chicken eggs and whitetail venison bolognese sauce by Hank Shaw
  8. NVDesertHunter

    NV wildlife commission

    Local NPR interview regarding the make-up of the wildlife commission. Interesting that HSUS agrees that ballot box science is a bad idea. IMO the interview was a red herring in order to talk about coyote hunting contests...
  9. NVDesertHunter

    2024 NV hunt proposed quota

    Increase in antelope, mule deer, elk, ant goat and CA sheep tags. Decrease in desert BH, and 2 tags for moose
  10. NVDesertHunter

    Whats on the menu for the holidays?

    AZ Merriams Turkey - Fried turkey sandwiches CA bear - meatball appetizers bear fat - apple pie crust NY Whitetail - burgers and chili NV ducks - jalapeño popper appetizers

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