Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by np307

  1. np307

    2024 Garden!

    Can't wait til we have a bunch of tomatoes to pick. We're getting close, I ate the first cherry tomato of the year when I was pruning the garden this evening. Got my eye on a Cherokee purple thats going to make a good sammich
  2. np307

    Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

    I keep offering to show people around the game lands where I hunt but nobody is interested in the does and spikes that I kill :(
  3. np307

    Plate ‘em up

    Cacio e pepe with zucchini and squash from the garden.
  4. np307

    2024 Garden!

    We're pretty close to having a lot of produce to pick. The first squash and zucchini are on the window sill and a few more squash will come off tomorrow. Tons of cherry tomatoes are ripening and I'm watching the first Cherokee purple very closely. Can't wait for that first tomato sandwich. Corn...
  5. np307

    Because Dad did!

    Can't think of any products. Clint Eastwood movies and old bluegrass music come to mind though.
  6. np307

    Friday Tunes - worthy of more ears

    I've posted some music from the before, but Chatham Rabbits is definitely my favorite lesser-known group right now. Folk music with honest, relatable songwriting. Not much more to ask for. My wife and I saw them live a couple months back and are hoping to see them again next month. Here's their...
  7. np307

    Plate ‘em up

    Grilled chicken thighs and pasta with pesto made from the basil in the garden.
  8. np307

    Wyoming Elk Draw

    Buddy is planning to pull a general tag south next year. He will have 5 points. I called to tell him that even 5 didn't guarantee, with a 92% chance this year. "Oh, well 92% is good odds, so I shouldn't have any trouble next year". I can't get him to understand point creep lol.
  9. np307

    2024 Garden!

    Nothing pummeled by the rain and everything is shooting up. Beans are out-climbing the corn so I put a trellis up for them. They'll probably end up climbing to the porch too. If I do another 3 sisters bed next year then I'm going to stagger the planting and give the corn a head start. All the...
  10. np307

    Long Covid?

    What year is it?
  11. np307

    Arbitrary Hunting Goals

    I have a couple of specific areas of public that I'd like to kill a deer or turkey on. I dont care much for turkey slams and what that's done to the turkey world but I would like to spend some time down in the swamps and kill a public land Osceola. I'd like to kill a respectable antelope. I'd...
  12. np307

    Whatever happened to..?

    Did I miss the second departure of wllm? Looks like a permanent one this time?
  13. np307

    2024 Garden!

    Great for the price ($40 a piece on clearance). I'd prefer them to be square instead of rounded. They're thin gauge galvanized so we'll see how well they hold up.
  14. np307

    2024 Garden!

    Everything is humming along here. Okra got stressed pretty good from the cool temps a little while back but it's started to liven up. Beans are starting to climb the corn. First buds are on the cherry tomato plants. Zucchini plant is monstrous. Finally got the cukes planted. We almost broke 90...