We had a huge hill in our elementary schoolyard. There was a "hiking back up the hill" section to reduce collisions of sledders going down and those going back up. Right before the end of recess we always tried to sled down the up-hill against the grain of traffic, but you had to make it look...
My boy ate some mouse poison at a farm house we were staying at, and I really wish I'd had some hydrogen peroxide in my kit and a way to administer it (syringe/baster, or, apparently, mixed with something delicious). It happened at 5am when I let him out to pee, and he found it around the side...
Sweet guns... I also have Grandpas, a 16 gauge. I had a similar issue but cleaning and lubricating lightly seemed to have solved it. It was full choked which was a bit much for preference, and it also sat in the safe for a while. But a few years ago I opened it up to ~ic and I've been hammering...
I should add.. I've had this for about a week and of course was checking it out. I like the stock on it, it has various attachment points for tripods, and it's threaded. I guess it gave me an idea of what some of the rifle tinkerers are doing to their rifles which, tbh, I hadn't really...
I won it, and I do not have a need for it myself. But proceeds from winning a gun should still be gun money, right? So was wondering what I might do to my current gun.