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Recent content by Michael in Kansas

  1. M

    2024 Colorado leftovers and reissues

    By 09:00:20 there were no third season mule deer tags in the 7 units I posted for. I had logged on at 0800 and was in queue by 08:03. I had all my info ready to just plug and enter. As directed, I also had my computer at the residency page and stayed there until 0900.
  2. M

    Colorado unit 444

    Appreciate the info. I’ll be coming out for a week in August for a scouting trip. I have several glassing spots located at various elevations and off the beaten paths. I have morning locations and afternoon. I will also be there 2 days ahead of season for last minute scouting. I’m more...
  3. M

    Colorado unit 444

    Hello, I'll likely be hunting 444 second season this year (Elk and Muley). If you don't mind sharing, what was your experience there? This will be my very first western hunt and have heard mixed info.
  4. M

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    Rev Jim…The book of Romans states that simply by observing the vast awesomeness of creation one must conclude that it was made by an awesome God! There is no better place to reflect on that than being in the mountains of Colorado. Discouraged? No way! I’ll be happy to simply be there! Getting a...
  5. M

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    I’d make sure to have 1or 2 judo tips on hand. I’m learning that those grouse make for a nice and tasty side show while chasing the bigger game.
  6. M

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    This will be my first time for an Elk/Mule deer hunt. I’m bringing a 7mm RM and a 30-06. I have 168gr Bergers and 160gr AB worked up for the 7mm. The ‘06 likes 165 TTSX, 165 AB, and 165 partitions…at 200yds it prints Mickey Mouse heads with all of them….so undecided. BTW…certainly not gonna ask...
  7. M

    Guess I should put out a bit more...

    How many non-resident guys that go to Colorado take a shotgun with them in the event that they fill their tag early and come across a bunch of grouse? My wife, who will be joining, also wants to bring her fishing pole since there is a trout stream right next to our camp site.
  8. M

    Guess I should put out a bit more...

    LMAO! At first I saw some of the comments and thought, “what the hell”? Then I actually looked at what I wrote and had an “awww shee-it” moment. Guess I’ll have to be extra cognizant of what I type in here.
  9. M

    Guess I should put out a bit more...

    At some point or another, I've hunted about anything you can hunt in Arkansas. Make frequent saltwater fishing trips to Florida. Been working up reloads for my Remington BDL 7mm Rem Mag and Bergara 30-06. The 7mm I have put into a glass bedded B&C stock and put in a Timney trigger. The Bergara...
  10. M

    Hey guys!

    Brand new member here. Living in Kansas, originally from Arkansas. Planning to make my first Colorado Mule deer (tag permitting)/OTC Elk hunt this year.
  11. M

    Tape at the end of barrel?

    Hey Guys! First post here. I realize this is an old thread, but there is this little thing called a fingercot. For the lack of a better description, they resemble a small "finger sized" condom. They are latex and can be bought on Amazon very cheaply.
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