MaybelNellie's latest activity

  • MaybelNellie
    At one time your .270 and 7mm Mag were that new cutting edge….
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread Sheep Show in Reno.
    RMBS is a model affiliated-WSF org, and I understand Wyoming WSF and Nevada's are the same. Both WY and NV will never push out a 208"...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to Khunter's post in the thread Sheep Show in Reno with Like Like.
    Believe your, and some other folks, negative assessment of sheep conservation orgs achievements completely ignores one major point...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread Sheep Show in Reno.
    Tough deal right there. And agree totally at Hunt Expo. The way I justify Reno money-wise is the free draws (except for sneaking in...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to MTGomer's post in the thread Sheep Show in Reno with Like Like.
    Did you go to anything other than the auction following the banquet? There’s a lot more going on there than that. Maybe I’m biased...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread Rifle Elk Success 22 and 23.
    Great write up. Can really see your feelings of true accomplishment which is what drives us all. Good hunting.
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to R.K.'s post in the thread Oh, the irony! with Like Like.
    Thanks to everyone for bringing awareness to this repeated attempt to steal our public access out from under our feet. It's kinda...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to Sheltowee's post in the thread 2025-26 Season plans? with Like Like.
    Save a day for peacock bass in the canals if you're going to be around Miami.
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread Sheep Show in Reno.
    Just go. Every year I try to reason with the expense and what does Randy and Atchenson say? will run out of health before you run...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to Big Fin's post in the thread 12 states join Utah with Like Like.
    Communicate with any elected person you know, whether County Commissioners, state land board members (which the AG is one of them), or...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread 25 Wyoming Sheep Points.
    I drew in unit 2 in '22 with 22 pts and went with Meade. Avail for a call to discuss how I navigated through all the outfits. Spoke with...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to packsaddle's post in the thread 25 Wyoming Sheep Points with Like Like.
    Josh Martoglio and Meade Dominick would be worth your phone call in terms of outfitters. Both very well known for sheep and success...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie reacted to packsaddle's post in the thread 2024 Wyoming Elk with Like Like.
    Ive never spent time much north of the cody area. So I'm not familiar enough to really recommend anything aside from calling the few...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread 2024 Wyoming Elk.
    Packsaddle, with my 17 points can you comment on the far northwest Park County group of units? The ones that are below max need draw and...
  • MaybelNellie
    MaybelNellie replied to the thread Elk .... Let's see them!!!.
    Love it when the bird dogs get to go. They only get 10-12 hunting seasons. Give them at least a seat in the truck or have the wife keep...

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