Recent content by livingthedream

  1. L

    USFWS - NW Montana - Supplemental EA open for comment on construction of new admin. buildings

    Weird the link doesn’t show price but here it is in a screenshot.
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    USFWS - NW Montana - Supplemental EA open for comment on construction of new admin. buildings I can just about guarantee you this would be cheaper than anything the government is planning to build, and it’s 1 mile south of their proposed build site...
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    USFWS - NW Montana - Supplemental EA open for comment on construction of new admin. buildings

    Wow, this was posted here going on twelve days ago and not one response from anyone, even though it has been viewed over 100 times. Here are comments submitted by Montana BHA...
  4. L

    Who has a snowmobile?

    Just need to hunt near highway this year😳 Someone shared: Several bison killed in crash near West Yellowstone
  5. L

    Birds heading North?

    Pintails, Mallards, Geese and Swans in the Mission Valley of NW Montana!
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    Bobcats v. Bison

    haha, yeah they got to watch the bobcats on ESPN instead of the griz on the History channel!😂😂
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    Montana FWP

    How long had the bull been dead??? Just asking🤷 Carry on😳
  8. L

    Another "how old is this Ram"?

    9.5 on 1st, 8.5 on 2nd, 6.5 on 3rd😊
  9. L

    Ballot initiative to repeal HB637

    Really Eric? Just like the political bs we all witness these days, any contribution ($) from anyone with an interest or special interest would be welcome!
  10. L

    montana resident party tags

    See page 17 of the 2020 printed regulations, bullet 6 under Bonus point system.
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    Chapter 4: either the calendar is going to write the final chapter or I am

    Congratulations on a great ram. If this photo was over in the “annuli game” thread, I would say 6.5 yo., not sure how bio(maybe bio tech?) could get 4.5 but there again she handled it and I’m going off a pic. Happy Thanksgiving 🤠
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    Red Montana

    Unfortunately, Greg is obviously more popular with Montanan’s who do not cherish or value access to public lands or wild place's. Than again it’s all about the mighty $😟
  13. L

    For you bighorn experts, let's play the annuli game

    Lawnboy, I’m with mtmiller, yours is right at 8.5, but ole Fred has to be pushing 75?😀
  14. L

    A Poll Regarding Bad JuJu

    :oops:As unbelievable as it may sound, I watched a guy pull a bison skull out of the bank of the Blackfoot River west of Lincoln back in the early 90's?????? Cooler JuJu(Good, bad or otherwise), that sure is one hell of a coincidence or just really bizarre!