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Recent content by littlebighorn

  1. littlebighorn

    Interesting video on Rampart Sheep

    It's tragic when domestic sheep are allowed to wander off and destroy wild sheep. Unfortunately many domestic owners have no clue what their hobby does to wild sheep. I wish we could find a cure!
  2. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    Well done robie. Drawing that tag threw you into an arena that even experienced sheep hunters might struggle with, but ultimately your performance was admirable. Congratulations on a great ram and thanks for sharing.
  3. littlebighorn

    25 Wyoming Sheep Points

    Lots of good suggestions here Bwillig. I took a Wyoming bighorn in 2004 in Unit 4 with Windriver Mt. Outfitters. At the time I was 54 years old and I was also thinking of going on my own because of the expense, etc. I've always been a DIY guy, but after that sheep experience, I was super glad...
  4. littlebighorn

    Big news in Nevada.

    Those are great bulls. Well done
  5. littlebighorn

    25 Wyoming Sheep Points

    Unless you are on the top of the point pool, a NR applicant will likely never draw a sheep tag in Wyoming.
  6. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    I have learned from personal experience that time always heals raw emotions and no number can ever dictate how good or bad an experience is. I ate tag soup on my first Stone sheep hunt and at the time, I had plenty of negative feelings about the outfit and how it all went down. Now, ten years...
  7. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    I'm really glad to hear that you are still getting after it robie. No doubt it is getting harder, but I'm guessing the challenge will just add to your amazing adventure. Best of luck and Merry Christmas/Happy New Year.
  8. littlebighorn

    19 years in the making

    Nevada rams generally grow fast and on most years the checkout summary lists the average ram taken is 6 or even younger. I saw the double annuli ring on yours, but he still looks 8 to me. That said, it doesn't really matter because he's a great ram!
  9. littlebighorn

    19 years in the making

    Very excited for you Gr8bawana! That ram is as purdy as they come and even ol Jack (O'Connor) would be proud of your rifle choice! For what it's worth, I have him at 8 years old. Well done. He's a fine old ram indeed!
  10. littlebighorn

    44hunter45's 2024 backcountry Idaho Moose semi-live hunt thread.

    Sorry to hear 44hunter45. Coming home empty from any limited entry/long awaited experience usually leaves a pretty sick feeling. Certainly if you hunt long enough, it's bound to happen to even the best prepared. It has happened to me more than once so I know nothing I say will help. I do...
  11. littlebighorn

    Montana 2024 Ram

    Any ram is special, but shooting one with your first rifle is very cool. My first rifle was also an M77 of that era. Well done Buzz. Thanks for the recap.
  12. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    I'm an old guy and I've been very lucky and blessed to take a grand slam of NA sheep. My desert ram scores 172 and is far and away my biggest, but I don't look at any of the rest of my ram mounts with any regrets. They are all cherished. Special draw tags put lots of undue pressure on...
  13. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    Yes robie, I really like how you roll. Go get a big one!
  14. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    I like your style robie! It's a once in a lifetime experience so milk it for all you can. My son and I spent 18 days on our own looking for sheep before I even started to hunt for my Utah desert ram. You obviously don't want to miss out on that Stud ram but enjoy every minute you can. It...
  15. littlebighorn

    NV Silver State Desert Sheep Hunt

    Wow, what a tag! For what it's worth, I would prefer mass and age over length, but that's just me. Any sheep hunt is special, but having a tag like your's is incredible. Keep us posted and best of luck.

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