Kenetrek Boots

Recent content by Kentucky Jack

  1. Kentucky Jack

    Gobble gobble Spring Turkey 2025

    You ain't lying! 75 degrees here today and saw 3 stutters on the way home from work. My trigger finger is getting mighty itchy! Still have over 4 more weeks to wait for opener!
  2. Kentucky Jack

    New from Ky

    Welcome aboard from a fellow kentuckian. What part of Kentucky you from?
  3. Kentucky Jack

    New member from Ky

    Welcome, I stopped applying in Kentucky for elk and started putting that money out west, much better odds. Fellow kentuckian here!
  4. Kentucky Jack

    What’s your opinion..WY deer

    Wish I had some input but I'm in the same boat! I haven't drawn deer yet but have several points I would like to burn next year as well. Been searching through the draw odds and e scouting. I won't make my mind up till after the winter reports on heard health come out.
  5. Kentucky Jack

    As they lay

    😆 Not that I know of!
  6. Kentucky Jack

    As they lay

    2024 tag punched!
  7. Kentucky Jack

    Nebraska preference points

    Are preference points still available in Nebraska? I was hoping to start applying there and have been all over their website bit can't seem to find it. I'm sure I'm just over looking it.
  8. Kentucky Jack

    Custer Bison Draw

    Has anyone on this forum actually done this? Would really like to talk to someone who has done it. I have been to the park before and would love to do this in future years but have several questions I can't find on the website.
  9. Kentucky Jack

    2024 WY pronghorn, deer, and R elk draw

    The area I applied for went up 2 whole points. That's crazy I'll never catch point creep. Might as well throw in the towel and find another state to apply in.
  10. Kentucky Jack

    2024 WY pronghorn, deer, and R elk draw

    Really thought I had good odds this year but strike 3. 3 years in a row no tag.
  11. Kentucky Jack

    June 18…

    I'm hopeful I draw my first Wyoming tag! Last year's odds says I have a good chance but who knows. Be my third year trying to draw a deer or antelope tag!
  12. Kentucky Jack

    Size 15 boot

    Thanks I'll look them up!
  13. Kentucky Jack

    Size 15 boot

    Did your buddy find a good pair of boots. Asking because I also wear a size 15 and have a hard time finding hunting boots. I've had the same pair of Rocky's for the last 14 years and they won't make it through another season.
  14. Kentucky Jack

    2024 WY pronghorn, deer, and R elk draw

    I'm in on a 68% chance from last year's statistics. But this year who knows what will happen. I'll be happy with any tag I can pull I'm just ready to go on my first hunt out west!
  15. Kentucky Jack

    Kentucky latest to ban hog hunting.

    Honestly as a Kentuckian I didn't even know we had wild hogs. I've never seen one where I'm at and never heard anyone say they ever seen one. Anyone else from Kentucky seen one here?

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