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Recent content by Hunting Wife

  1. Hunting Wife

    Land management agency impact stories...

    The DOI weekly newsletter to employees this week is interesting. Typically it highlights DOI’s “big accomplishments”, and is a decent pulse check of what the administration’s priorities are. During Trump 1.0, it was 90% energy/resource development stories. During Biden, it was 80% DEI and social...
  2. Hunting Wife

    Porqupine eating brake hoses and tires

    Had packrats chewing vehicles last fall. Sonsabitches. No porcupines yet though.
  3. Hunting Wife

    March Madness 2025 General Chat

    I’m with @Dave N …mine will likely implode in spectacular fashion here pretty soon. 🤣
  4. Hunting Wife

    Women in the outdoors

    Maybe? Some of the adult men have expressed such. Some of them are oil field transplants that just didn’t grow up around it. Some of them are taking it with their kids. Some of the women just want to know more but I’m not sure they’ll hunt. Some of them want to be able to go with significant...
  5. Hunting Wife

    25 year old case in Wyoming.

    Pretty amazing. It’s hard enough to get fresh cases tried. Nice to see the determination.
  6. Hunting Wife

    Camas wildlife refuge

    If what I read is true, in that 1. The Refuge is the senior water right holder, 2. The Senator that introduced the bill has a direct conflict of interest, owning land downstream, and 3. No downstream water rights holders have demonstrated an impairment, then this sure seems like a land grab...
  7. Hunting Wife

    Montana missouri breaks sheep 2025 regs.

    Most ungulates get lungworms. It is not uncommon. Cattle, bison, elk, deer, sheep, goats, etc. There are several genera and species, but they don’t often cause mortality in and of themselves. They do cause lung irritation and may make individuals more susceptible to the secondary infections @Oak...
  8. Hunting Wife

    Camas wildlife refuge

    Straight out of Project 2025.
  9. Hunting Wife

    MSU Bobcats playing in hockey championship tomorrow

    Just got a text from one of my former coworkers. His son plays hockey for MSU and they just played their way into the ACHA Division II championship game tomorrow. First chance ever at a national title. It’s been many years since I watched MSU hockey, but good to see them having some success...
  10. Hunting Wife

    Coyotes at night

    I usually scan as I walk in, long before I start calling. No lights, and be very careful of the wind. I mostly hunt like I do in the day- keep the truck hidden, keep the noise down, stealthy entrance, get away from the road. Not sure about anywhere else, but they’ve gotten very wary about...
  11. Hunting Wife

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    You forgot Panama. Get in line Argentina.
  12. Hunting Wife

    Federal Land Sales for Affordable Housing?

    Another bonus to gutting the land management agencies….this aligns with the new streamlined workforce. With both parties on board, albeit for different reasons, I’d say they are going to accomplish a fair bit of divestment pretty soon.
  13. Hunting Wife

    March Madness: Wildlife Conservation & Free For All Events

    So do we need like four more to make the Conservation bracket go? No one has an org they want to plug? Beuhler? Beuhler?
  14. Hunting Wife

    March Madness: Wildlife Conservation & Free For All Events

    I flipped coins once and finished just out of the money. It could work. 😁

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