Yeah I basically ran into that conclusion myself and gave up and came here to ask for help on creative solutions. As I was reading your comment though it triggered the idea of finding a place that does something like a 4:1 guide ratio so pops could hunt solo while his buddies go guided. Ideally...
Hi all,
I live in Colorado and hunt elk every year here and/or Wyoming, but I am originally from Georgia, and my father who still lives down there has recently expressed interest in elk hunting with me. FINALLY! The problem is he wants to go next year and he and his buddies have no points. He...
Guys I had a great time! Thanks for having me. I'm not bitter at all that a team that didnt set their lineup half the season went bananas in the playoff when I had to play them....(My wife said she is going to start charging for each time I say @$%!ing Wounded Elk!) I was excited to play...
Whats up everyone? My name's Herman and I am stoked for the invite. I can't wait to win a bunch of giftcards from y'all. Hopefully we get a full season...
Where's everyone located? I've been in Georgia for 30 years, but I am making the move to Colorado next month. Hopefully before First Rifle...
For anyone thinking of hunting where I was, it is a very hard hunt and you should definitely look elsewhere. You don't want to waste your points on that unit!
John! Good seeing you over here on the HuntTalk Forum too! I use this one for my out of state hunts and it is much less political that what the GON forum has turned into lately. I didn't make it up to the mountains this season in Georgia, and really didn't hunt too much compared to past seasons...
Thanks for the kind words everyone. And yes @ndhunterman I am definitely addicted to hunting (and eating) elk now. Nothing else comes close to that meat!
Wow I'm glad it did not damage their vehicle too much for them to get stranded. Clobbering a deer 1000 miles from home sounds like a wild addition to the adventure. That rack in the back of the truck has the same color as mine so I believe you that it came from the same place. They are a very...
The two times I've hunted this unit I was actually able to draw the tag with my second choice and build points with my first. I think I got lucky this last year and I am very curious to see what the actual odds end up being from 2019.
I've been trying to convince my wife to make the move for...
Uh oh. Was it that obvious where I was? I tried to be as vague as I could so as not to blow up the spot, but it sounds like it won't matter. I heard through the grapevine that they won't be doing that hunt next year due to all of the complications it brought along. I'm really glad I did it when...
That horse was amazing. I felt like a little kid riding on that thing and we got him loaded him right at that golden hour of the day as the sun was setting over the mountains. Everything about it was as beautiful a thing as I have ever seen. It was such a surreal experience and one that is...
Thanks! I live in Atlanta. Born and raised here. I hunt all over the state, but I am starting to venture out west more and more. I read your hunt story from earlier this year and it sounds like yall had a similarly fun time. Congrats to you and your buddies too!
Thanks @passinthru. I am definitely going to try to pay their generosity forward in my future adventures. A little bit of kindness can go a long way to improving someone's trip.
My bad on the pics. They displayed for me, but not you guys. Fixed it now. Bill and Zac were phenomenal dudes and I hope to be able to hunt with them again some day. Unfortunately it sounds like this hunt will not be available next season so I will be very lucky to encounter them again.