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Recent content by heelerdog

  1. H

    Your Opinion Please

    The new boyfriend is grooming the daughter for further advances. Hopefully the next step has not been taken. I deal with sick twitches like the boyfriend almost every day. Child molesters are predatory, and always have a plan. Depending on the mother, and her level of desperation...
  2. H

    The Daily Dose of Non-News

    I'm way behind you guys, I'm still trying to wrap my mind how that leech suckling on the teat of society even has A publicist much less her second one quitting. Well I figure I'll bounce on over to her website and throw a few more bucks at her. I wonder what her next plastic surgery will be?
  3. H

    Whats the Difference between a ....

    Congratulations! In a few months you will be Superman for 7 years, and not one minute more. Then like magic you turn into a jackass sucking precious oxygen from her, and Mommy's atmosphere. Squeeze everything you can outta those 7 years, cuz they gotta last you until she's in her twenties.
  4. H

    I need a new career or something

    I had my CDL for a few years, and all I can say is tough gig if you don't really want to be doing it.
  5. H

    Danica Patrick

    If you look closely you can see the ghost of the full, thick mustache she's going to have in 5-10 years.
  6. H

    Stephen Fowler

    So I'm fuggin around on the Internet, and stumble across a story of some douchebag pissing off the entire universe due to his escapades while performing on "Wife Swap". Seems this limey ass bag really screwed the pooch. "I hate America, your stoopid, blah, blah, blah." Funniest thing was his...
  7. H

    Jillian Micheals

    Seems Dan is sticking with his original statement. As for those of you bashing "Jillian". Be careful that dude will track you down and kick your ass, and make you his, I mean, her bitch.
  8. H

    Putting your Money where your Boob is!

    WTF is that all about? P.S. Once you explain it to my dumbass, can I suckle at your teat as well Selma?
  9. H

    What the CRAP ?!?!?!?!

    Congrats Moosie, let's see now you need a third baseman, a right fielder, shortstop, relief pitcher, designated hitter, and a catcher.
  10. H

    Is this hat gay?

    I'm voting the Biker from the Village People mustache is slightly gayer than the hat. Where's your leathers Moosie?
  11. H

    Cool Gifts

    I'm not the handiest guy in the world but I can hold my own. Anyways early in our relationship I convinced my wife I was a retard when it came to tools, hence my honey do list was very short. Well I blew my cover, and now she knows I am "capable" with tools. Since my cover is blown I figured...
  12. H

    Another Native vs. Transplant Montanan Conflict.....

    Put your football helmet back on you could get hurt. When did I state I wanted to eradicate anything? Double up on your meds, you seem to be losing your grip even more so than usual. Can't post a link about the lion fur. Sadly you would have to go to this place we call outside. You see I...
  13. H

    Your thoughts on shooting a dog

    Wow point out one time that a thread went SOOOOOOOOO off track that I forgot I started the damn thing and now I'm labeled the Internet cop. Friggin sweet! :D
  14. H

    Another Native vs. Transplant Montanan Conflict.....

    Well a clue mt. lions are out of control would be they are living in major metropolitan areas (Palo Alto), and stalking children at school during recess. Of course after it got killed there was the candlelight vigil. I am sure you remember that, weren't you a candle lighter? Prime coat would...
  15. H

    Your thoughts on shooting a dog

    Two bowls of Raisin Bran, three cups of coffee, and some red licorice should make it interesting.