In today’s world, you are not going to make it with a salary by 30. It is going to come with risk. I have taken risk, I have won and I have lost.
When opportunities present themselves chase them down. If family/friends give you a chance/head start give it all you have. But, never trade your...
He is located in Montana, has a river bottom to hide in, and is surrounded by sugar beets, corn and wheat.
We have killed some bucks that have ranged in age from 3.5-9.5 years old. I would agree, the horns give no indication. The biggest rack was the 3.5 year old old and he was a 150” 4x4...
More accurately the deer is lucky and we suck at hunting😂. He walked by a few archers at 80+ yards, so he won those days. He then came out once during rifle and walked by me at under 75 yards and fed around for ten minutes. I was planning to take my son out the following day, so I didn’t have...
I have a lot to learn about whitetails. This is a buck we have been following for two years now, and we let him live this year. I am curious how old you think he is.
Only photo I got from 2023 -
Photos from 2024 (summer to end of December in order) -
For reference 150” deer I killed in 2023...
My dad always brought along a hand held radio. It used to drive me nuts that he would fire it up at night and make all sorts of noise. We either listened to the weather or a game. Now I think about it on almost every hunt.
Current tradition - break out a real sappy Sam Hunt song and sing our...
Is anyone still looking for a place to stay this fall?
I am renting out the cabin (no hunting) for $125 per night if anyone is interested. I have a few weeks already booked, so please send me a PM to see what is open.
I really enjoyed living in Bozeman (2000-2006), but I could not stand many of the people that I met.
Drove through the area today with the family and stopped for lunch. I think my statement is even more true today.😂
Hello -
Last year I purchased 160 acres along with a cabin in the Breaks. The Cabin is now hooked up to electricity and is setup on a cistern and septic, so it will provide for an extremely comfortable hunting base camp. In addition, it has RV hookups. The 160 acre property, although not...
Sorry for rehashing something that has probably already been discussed… how does 410 go from a general tag to LE of only 100 tags. Yet the Custer remains general???
Is 410 really that bad off (relative to the Custer), or were we lucky that 410 got changed and the Custer is a huge miss??