Recent content by Firedude

  1. F

    Do you use a scope with target turrets?

    There's a very simple test that I've seen a lot of guys lose faith in very nice scopes with. Crank that thing all the way to one side. Then up. Then over to the other side. All the way down and repeat. Go around that square 10 times. Reset to zero and shoot. When it's sub zero and I'm shooting...
  2. F

    Do you use a scope with target turrets?

    You guys NEED (as in absolutely have to have or cant do it) adjustable turret at 300? That being the case I get it now. If you can't push 2 to 6 inches high and an inch over the suggested rules make complete sense now.
  3. F

    Idaho Moose - Unit 51

    Well? Anything to update?
  4. F

    How much freezer for a bull moose?

    I got 520 lbs of meat off of mine. Filled my upright. I think mine is a 19 or 20 cu ft. Gave about 40 lbs away too. Good thing you got bigger. Mine was so full it took a couple days to freeze all the meat even with 2 inches of air space between the top of the meat and the next rack. A butcher...
  5. F

    Do you use a scope with target turrets?

    I voted "yes" because I do have them on most of my rifles. Most of the time I just use Kentucky windage and elevation. I trust my experience with the rifle more than I trust the repeatability of the turrets. Hunting ground squirrels and prairie dogs for hours making adjustments constantly it...
  6. F

    Non resident tag group

    It is fun to bust his chops... But he argues for me to hunt Wyoming. So he gets me standing up in a meeting saying Wyoming residents should get to hunt here. Everyone arguing for nonresidents to be cut off in their state gets the same from me.
  7. F

    Non resident tag group

    Buzz should be the piler of deciding what to do with non-residents from Wyoming. We could Zero out every other state on how they want to restrict us. I've listened to al lot a meeting were residents say no non-res. tags. But reading minutes from Wyoming that he's been in would should welcome...
  8. F

    Non resident tag group

    huh... so the first I'm seeing this is now while I'm butchering an antelope and selections are done. WEIRD that NOBODY from my region was accepted. Cough... the area with the greatest non-res interest. cough, Upper Snake... Cough.
  9. F

    Non resident tag group

    Dang it.... well hopefully they view it as, "How would I as a resident want things while keeping in mind I LOVE hunting other states and what do I hope they say."
  10. F

    Non resident tag group

    Check my post history. I agree we need to find a better system for you guys to get tags and reduce tags to match surrounding states. At the same time, have I ever suggested to end the non-resident hunting?
  11. F

    Non resident tag group

    That is very fair... But just so you are aware, there area a handful of us that know what a blessing it is to hunt in other states and can take ourselves out of the equation while making decisions ON YOUR BEHALF. Pray we get on this group. Just look on this page of guys in Wyoming that fight...
  12. F

    Idaho Seeks to Limit Scope Turrets and Rangefinders

    I have a leveler on my Sendero 300 ultra mag. I absolutely made sure to check it before I shot a deer at 850 yards on a DEPREDATION tag. In that area of 6 inch sagebrush you're not going to sneak up on those critters eating crops. You need the elevation and range to make an ethical shot. Sounds...
  13. F

    Non resident tag group Well.... I guess I'm applying for another advisory group.
  14. F

    Idaho Seeks to Limit Scope Turrets and Rangefinders

    I'm hopeful to reduce wounding, increase 1 shot harvest, and help the herds increase simultaneously. That can only be done with diverse thinking. I cannot tell you how many guys from North Idaho I've met that laugh and say, "An open sighted 30-30 is all you need!" Then take them out into the...
  15. F

    Idaho Seeks to Limit Scope Turrets and Rangefinders

    You know 2 huntalkers that have applied. I'm in. My ideas are simultaneously to limit some equipment while opening others. I've hunted, fished, and trapped most of the state. What you need to be successful and ethical is a convenience for me and vice versa. For example I NEED conibears to trap...