PEAX Equipment

Recent content by engman99

  1. E

    Muzzy Power!!!!!!!

    Offer still stands bud,what happened to Florida?Weather too nice or somthing?
  2. E

    Muzzy Power!!!!!!!

    Fixed blade Muzzys Baby!!!!! I to tried the mechanicals,wont make that mistake again.
  3. E

    Muzzy Power!!!!!!!

    Season came in Monday,and a doe went down today.I know its only a doe,but I bought my lifetime license this year and I want to get my moneys worth.
  4. E

    Almost Blast off Time!!!

    Gut one for me.
  5. E

    How bout this

    LMFAO!!!Good one Sambar.
  6. E

    How bout this

    The good doctor also claims to have spent up to 4000 hrs a year in treestands! Do the math on that.
  7. E


    Sure,they are a boundary marking,this guy claims that does dont mark scrapes or nothing.He says that myth comes from pen raised deer.
  8. E


    I am reading a book by DR. Ken Nordberg. This guy claims that scrapes have absolutly nothing to do with does,but serve only as a warning sign to other bucks. (I think he is a nut)
  9. E

    Anybody here going to the world hunt?

    I aint goin' to the world,but I did run up to the oaks last Thursday.I have a Nite CH. female out of Gr.Nt.Ch Flowers' Wildfire(highest reproducing english)that I bred to Gr.Nt.Ch. Hardtime Moses.Moses is out of Gr.Nt.Ch.Smiths Hardtime Rocky(second highest reproducing english)I met Jim...
  10. E


    I use scents a little,but have never experienced any real success with them.
  11. E

    Rubs and scrapes

    Shoot Whitetail! I have been to Grandview Several times.There is a coon club down there I hunt out of.Do you know where the coon club is?
  12. E

    Natural Selection

    You know,its funny you mentioned the thing about the second rut.The second rut here falls during our muzzle loader season. I am usually tagged out by then. I have been thinking about skipping shotgun season here and just waiting for muzzle loader season. My reasoning for wanting to do this is(as...
  13. E

    Natural Selection

    You made the comment that you had killed over 250 deer.How many of them were big bucks killed over scrapes? I have always hunted scrapes,I have just never had it produce.It sounds like the areas I am hunting are ideal.I just need to look for fresher scrapes.
  14. E

    Natural Selection

    I get the part about hunting an active scrape,but how do you determine which ones are active.Do you go in there and check them every day to see if the scrapes have been visited?If so then how do you keep from scaring off the buck with that much activity? Do you use scrape drippers? Are you going...
  15. E

    Natural Selection

    O.K.,I am tired of debating the natural selection thing,but I do want to pursue the scrape hunting thing farther. Deerslayer,I told what my ideal set up was and how I went about doing it. What is yours?How do you determine which scrapes to hunt?Come on man,give us allthe juicy details!!!!!!!!
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