I was poking around a gun shop the other day and came across this old JC Higgins Model 103. My father had one and that is what I learned to shoot with a little over 50 years ago. Nothing special about it but I thought I ought to have it. I’m guessing it was made in the early 50’s.
I agree with selling the scope separately. I don’t believe it’s legal to ship ammo but I could be wrong. I may or may not have thrown a box or two in a flat rate box before.
Unless it’s changed in the last couple years, the gun owner can ship directly to a FFL via USPS. The info is (or used...
I remember having a rotary phone on a party line.
Walking to the local gas station with a gallon milk jug and filling it for under 30 cents to run my mini bike.
I remember when Pennsylvania didn’t offer doe tags.
My dad would send me for a pack of cigarettes with a dollar and I could get...