A friend mentioned this to me
And no I havent tried annealing
I’m afraid this might be the cause
Especially since the original load was super over pressured that the gunsmith originally loaded
We have 100 brass that have been fireformed with a light load that I’ve been saving for the final load...
I have 2 Tikkas in 300win both enjoy shooting barnes and both without muzzle brakes were a force to be reckoned with. Now that they have brakes they’re great to shoot. Keep in mind when buying new rifles keep in mind modifications that you will need or want to do in the future it can get pricey...
Been doing a lot of reloading lately and until yesterday I felt like I was pretty dialed and producing very accurate loads from short action cartridges to big magnums and some wildcats. I had an issue with a buddy’s rifle a 7 mega in a 700 clone action. For those who do not know a 7 mega is made...
I’ve been searching for a sxs for a little bit and I’m leaning towards a Polaris ranger preferably newer than 2014. Curious what everyone feels is a big enough engine to haul 2 200+ lb dudes and gear/dead animals. 500cc to little?
My sister drew a 2nd season buck tag for 60 this year and I hoping to get a little info. She’s just started hunting a couple years ago in California and she’s gotten a few opportunities but hasn’t been able to tag her first deer. I’ve hunted one of the neighboring units with sucess but now that...
Well no sucess on Africahunting forum. Somebody got ripped off for almost 3k on a swaro spotter so everyone is a little timid over there right now I guess. Shot it the other day and am having second thoughts