Unit 51 in WY. The elk were at the bottom of a very steep & rocky river gorge. It was hell & dangerous getting in & out of there, especially packing a bull on our backs!
Fingers crossed! My good friend is a Vikings fan as well. Week 7 was a fun one at his place! I don't mind the Vikings. I just VERY much dislike the Fudge Packers!
Even though my father has never been much of a hunter, he is the one who first took me out to light the fire. The fuel to feed that fire really began when a friend took me to the Crawford Mtns. along the Utah/Wyoming border to see all the huge bucks that used to roam that area. That was nearly...
Women's Prois Advantage Max1 camo pattern. $475. All 3 items sold as a package. These are in like new condition & have only been worn twice. No rips, holes or tears. The pants are size small & the jackets are size medium. One of the jackets is goose down.
Mix a gallon of vanilla ($22 on amazon) with 2-3 bottles of Anise & spray it all around the bait site with a fertilizer sprayer. Get it as high as you can on the branches. Or soak up a rag with anise & hang it in a tree.
Bears are a lot like dogs & learn when they get a treat. You can attract...