Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Recent content by Big Bore

  1. Big Bore

    What's on the smoker today?

    Pork baby back ribs and bacon wrapped venison backstrap. Chased with peach cobbler and ice cream. Food coma in 3, 2,………
  2. Big Bore

    What's on the smoker today?

    Most recent use of the smoker. Killed this 90 lb sow this past hunting season. Smoked one of the hams last weekend. Turned out really good.
  3. Big Bore

    What's on the smoker today?

    First time using a pellet grill. Also known as the easy-bake-oven for men. Surprised at how good the brisket turned out. Super tender too!
  4. Big Bore

    2024 Season Recap-most fun I’ve had in ages!

    Thanks everyone!
  5. Big Bore

    2024 Season Recap-most fun I’ve had in ages!

    Just recapping one of the most fun seasons I’ve had in a really long time. I’m a dedicated handgun hunter and have been for over 20 years now. Like many, as my eyes have gotten older I’ve shifted over to red dots and scopes on my handguns. It’s just a natural progression of life, but my...
  6. Big Bore

    Texas Muley revolver style

    Saw this elsewhere. Just as impressive here too! Congrats again!
  7. Big Bore

    Do you ever try to gently educate forky hunter friends or just let it be?

    If he needs the meat to feed his family, possibly educate him on the average weight of different age classes to help him get more meat by shooting older game. What the game wears on its head should never enter the conversation.
  8. Big Bore

    Handmade Fly Boxes

    Outstanding craftsmanship. Well done.
  9. Big Bore

    Weird Hunting Traditions

    Pop tarts as a pack snack.
  10. Big Bore

    I may be getting old...

    I grew up in an ag community and worked cotton/grain fields from the age of 13. So I'm in the camp of this is just part of being in this setting. After did choose this specific location to live in. And I doubt they tore buildings down after you moved in, to plant crops. Those who...
  11. Big Bore

    Handgun Turkey

    Had a great hunt in Texas on the last day of spring Turkey season. Shot this gobbler with my Freedom Arms M83 in 41 magnum. Hand loaded 210 XTP at about 20 yards. Walking away from me in full strut and made a perfect Texas Heart Shot. Zero meat loss and zero trailing to do. Gobble gobble.
  12. Big Bore

    Revolver pig down

    Outstanding morning in central Texas. Took this boar right at daybreak with my new Freedom Arms M83 in 41 magnum. Load was 210 XTP over H110. Shot was about 55 yards perfectly broadside and hit the shoulder. Complete pass through and about a 25 yard recovery.
  13. Big Bore

    My name is Larry and I MAY have a problem.......

    Hopefully, not an invitation to an exit interview.
  14. Big Bore

    Lever em up

    Just picked this up a few months ago. Rossi R92 in .454 Casull.

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