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  • i checked out prospect for elk as the biologist recommended but did not see lick of elk sign. I am thinking about between dutchmans and anderson butte for the general elk season but in your opinion will i be wasting my time? any pointers for a new Oregon hunter?
    But I didn't get as much time off as I wanted so just trying to make the best of it an get out one more time. The biologist said that their winter over at anderson butte in February but there is a lot of ground to cover coming down in elevation from the Dutchman's peak area
    If you can, go north. At least you will probably see elk and start learning something about them. In the Applegate I doubt you will even cut a fresh track. The one time I hunted elk in the Applegate was an unusual circumstance and I didn't really expect to find an elk.
    Start posting on the forum so we can communicate with more than 400 some odd characters. After 10 posts you can use the conversations tab.
    Hello Gouch, i am a new member reading through old post and came across one of your threads about the applegate unit. I hunted rifle for deer over in butte falls area to only find does for 4 day.
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