Kenetrek Boots

Recent content by 338win

  1. 338win

    Out of State Tennessee - Deer/Turkey/Hogs

    Go get cheese curds and snort some Xanax
  2. 338win

    Out of State Tennessee - Deer/Turkey/Hogs

    I doubt Tn needs anymore people talking about how “great” it is online.
  3. 338win

    kenetrek vs crispi - more waterprooferer?

    My buddy had a pair of 2023 nevadas needed to be replaced but my 2018 nevadas are still going strong. Never had wet feet and I love that pair of boots, but I can’t vouch for new Crispi quality. I did notice the prices are basically the same now as 2018(I paid 399 after tax, shipping,and $79...
  4. 338win

    Suppressed 338 RUM?

    The 338 win will be far more efficient
  5. 338win

    1000 inch whitetail?

    Anyone proud of that has a smooth brain
  6. 338win

    Idaho OTC 2025

    People online are alluding to there being a way to circumvent the “lines”. What are they talking about?
  7. 338win

    Idaho OTC 2025

    Well that was a waste of time. This shits well beyond the point of stupid. Im sure the influencers got theirs somehow
  8. 338win

    Giving up tracking??

    This “outfitter” sounds like he wears a pro wrestling t shirt and drinks mt dew.
  9. 338win must be getting slow

    Bowsite hasn’t been worth a shit since the days of TBM trolling.
  10. 338win

    Talk me out of a Knight Ultra Lite

    Why did you have to post this the day before my pay rate goes up 80%?
  11. 338win

    King for a day, what would you do?

    Release the jfk files. Take a wet dump on my old supervisors desk. Ban commercial filming for hunts on public land. Overhaul commercial fishing.
  12. 338win

    Influencers Ruining Stuff

    The amount of hashtags used screams self righteous douchebags
  13. 338win

    Influencers Ruining Stuff

    Hopefully YouTube bans hunting videos so the douches lose a platform to display the terrible decisions they make.

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