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  • Greetings jtm307, I’m Bert Sowell, an avid hunter from North Carolina. I have been doing the western thing for over 15 years. I have some points banked up here and there. i have been hunting antelope in Wy area 44 for several years but haven’t tried deer or elk in WY. I have done quite a bit of deer and elk hunting in Colorado...mostly muzzleloader in N-central Colorado.
    I am ready to burn these Wy elk points!
    My thoughts are to put in for the area 11 type 1 tag this year. I feel I have a good chance to draw it in the regular draw with my points.
    I know you are pretty knowledgeable about some of the particulars of elk in this part of the world.
    In your opinion, is this a fairly good it worth my 7-8 points as a NR to apply for this limited hunt? I guess I’m just looking for a thumbs up or down....I’ve reached out to a few other guys who seem knowledgeable— an informal survey if you will...
    Thanks for your consideration and thanks for helping out on the forum!
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