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  • Seems like every year a couple are taken by deer hunters.
    I think 2 or 3 years ago a woman shot 2 .
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    Reactions: Gellar
    I can’t imagine mistaking an elk for a deer but I guess it happens.
    Hi Gellar,
    I saw your post about needing skulls from time to time for for your line of work, so I thought I send you a quick message.
    I have a small skull shop and do excellent work...museum quality. If you are interested, please check out my website www.pure-bones.com where I have a decent photo gallery. I'm also on Instagram @pure_bones with lots of photos there too.
    Let me know what you are looking for and I'll be glad to help you out. If I don't have a particular skull in stock, I can probably get it for you.

    Greg Browne
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