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  • Hi John. I am a dad who's son wants to hunt. I did not grow up in a hunting/gun family, but as a dad I think it's fantastic. As I have been learning I found that we can hunt Ring Neck dove year round. I saw that you have an abundance of them on you property. Would it be possible for my son to harvest from you land. If not any suggestions would be very welcome.
    Hi John. I've read a lot of your stuff on here and thought that you might be able to help me.

    I haven't been close to you, but I might need to start the VA Disability process. Any tips?
    Get a power of attorney first. I used the VFW. American Legion is good, WWP is good too. Go to one of them and tell them you need to start the process and they will take it from there.
    Thanks dude. You just seemed like the VA/VFW in (and of) yourself.
    I saw your post and went yes-someone from SE Colorado. I have been looking at SE Colorado-antelope. I somehow wandered into the Comanche National Grasslands and have been wondering since is this worth a trip out there or not. Or is everything worth a wemn under lease?? Just curious where do you live in Se Colorado?? I checked out a little town Springfield even looked at real esta e since I love rural areas
    I hunt the comanchee. They definitely know where the private land boundries are, but I've done ok. I live about 2 hours NW of Springfield.
    Hope your Thanksgiving held great family enjoyment! Merry Christmas, John!
    Hey Jon, thank you for all you have given for myself and our country. You are an inspiring guy! Stay strong and keep up the fight. Look forward to next season! Today is America's day specifically set to thank you.
    John, if you have some chest waders, bring them with you for the float tubes. Some sweats and warm socks would be a good addition as I would suspect the water to be a bit chilly. :D
    John, I am planning a antelope hunt for my son and me. I am from Illinois and would like information on what steps and suggestions I should take. I am not after a trophy, I consider all animals trophies. If you could make some suggestions as to what state and areas to have good success that would be great. If you know of any contacts that would be great.
    John, meeting you at camp and seeing you challenge the hurdles you face is inspiring! You're an amazing guy! Thanks for your service. Hopefully I have an opportunity to enjoy your coffee, chili and enjoy that great smile and laughter with your 'Cushmanisms'! :) Thanks man! Keep on truckin', keep on inspiring!
    Part 2: Since we are going in by foot, we would like to start hunting areas that don't allow motorized traffic to try to get away from other hunters. However, I am concerned that there may be a bunch of outfitters with drop camps that have the same idea. I have been looking into some of the ones in the south (lizard, south san juan, Wiminuche), but want to make sure that we aren't biting off more than we can chew in steep country on foot. I am 38 years old and train hard before we come out there, but I'm also a realist. Plus, I don't want to pull the old 'grass is greener on the other side' when I feel that we have had opportunities in the areas we have been hunting. I am also interested in any thoughts you have on unit 65 for archery. Any help you have would be greatly appreciated!
    Hello! I saw on one of the posts that you are pretty familiar with Western Colorado Elk hunting/habitat. I am starting to plan my fourth DIY trip out for an archery hunt this September. I have hunted the Mesa all three times I have been out before. We have all of the right gear and are experienced back country hikers/campers/hunters. I have been in elk all three times, but have yet to fill my tag. We hunt an area just south of Colbran, CO and we hunt the sides of the Mesa where it is nasty. Do you have any recommendations on the wilderness areas in that neck of the woods?
    Hey Mister! I posted some pictures for your benifit! No comment so far. I hope you are out killing some shit and not spending wads of $1 dollar bills on the local nightlife (just because I'm not with you)! ;)
    John, I'm in Denver right now and will be driving back to NC this coming Sunday morning, leaving my wife here to fly back on Wednesday (long story). Always looking for a different route to drive back thought it a good opportunity to meet a Hunt Talker by coming thru Rocky Ford and maybe meeting you for lunch or at least a cup of coffee. If that's possible or of interest to you get back to me with a PM in the next day or so and I'll plan my route, Tarheel
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