NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hillary's Tax Plan


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Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
San Francisco rolls out the red carpet for the Clintons
- BETH FOUHY, AP Political Writer
Monday, June 28, 2004

(06-28) 19:03 PDT SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --

The leftiest big city on the Left Coast was Clinton country on Monday, with former President Clinton continuing his blockbuster book tour and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton headlining a Democratic fund-raiser where she vowed to defeat the Republicans' "extraordinarily ruthless machine."

Headlining an appearance with other Democratic women senators on behalf of Sen. Barbara Boxer, who is up for re-election this year, Hillary Clinton told several hundred supporters -- some of whom had ponied up as much as $10,000 to attend -- to expect to lose some of the tax cuts passed by President Bush if Democrats win the White House and control of Congress.

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

Just blocks away at San Francisco's historic Ferry Building, President Clinton kicked off the latest leg of his West Coast tour promoting his best-selling book, "My Life." Wearing a navy blue suit and a rust-colored tie, Clinton signed books for at least 3,000 people, many of whom had waited hours under brilliant sunshine to catch a glimpse of him.

At one point, Clinton stopped the fast-moving line of fans to pose for a photo with 14-year old Thomas Nelson and his 12-year old brother Joseph, who had traveled 50 miles with their father from Petaluma.

"I've never shaken the hand of a president," said Thomas, who added that he had one grandma who couldn't stand Clinton and one who thought he was the best president ever.

"Even better than George Washington," said Thomas.

While Sen. Clinton's duties in Washington and the former president's far-flung speaking engagements can keep them apart for weeks at a time, friends said the Clintons' joint visit to the Bay Area was a homecoming of sorts for both of them.

As president, Clinton visited California some 70 times and focused much of his political and fund-raising energies on the heavily Democratic San Francisco Bay area. The visits by both Clintons increased while their daughter, Chelsea, was a student at Stanford University in Palo Alto.

"He was here so dad gum much when he was president that outside of Arkansas, his highest level of support is probably the Bay Area," said Martha Whetstone, executive director of the Bar Association of San Francisco and a longtime friend of both Clintons. "And San Francisco has always been Hillary country. They get her here -- there's a real appreciation for independent, intelligent women."

The Clintons were following largely separate schedules throughout the day, with Sen. Clinton heading two hours south to Monterey County to appear at a public policy forum hosted by former White House chief of staff Leon Panetta, and President Clinton headlining a fund raiser Monday evening for the American Himalayan Foundation, a charity run by Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum.

Sen. Clinton called the transfer of sovereignty from the U.S.-led coalition to an interim Iraqi government two days early a "positive step" but said it was too early to predict if the new government would be successful.

"Whether they take over today or take over Wednesday, the problems are still the same," she said.

Before leaving the forum, Sen. Clinton was asked what she thought of her husband's book. "I loved it," she replied. "You've got to read all of it."

On Tuesday, President Clinton will continue his book tour at several stops around the Bay Area and will be the star attraction at a fund-raiser for House Democrats.

With Boxer leading her Republican opponent, Bill Jones, by a wide margin in recent public polls and California considered safely in Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's hands, the Clintons' visit served more as a vehicle to promote progressive political activism than to move a lot of votes, according to Bruce Cain, a political analyst at University of California, Berkeley.

"There's a lot of stirring up of the Democratic base -- the juice is flowing among Democratic activists in an unprecedented way right now," Cain said. "It comes at a time when groups need to get mobilized to make contributions and get themselves organized to go out and do grass roots activity in battleground states."

California Republican Chairman Duf Sundheim said that while the Clintons were welcome to come to the state and express their views, "history shows their influence is minimal."

He pointed to both Clintons' support last fall for Democratic Gov. Gray Davis, who went on to be recalled in a landslide and replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I guess Hillary and the dems Know how to spend my money better then I do.

Please let us know which of Hitler's comments were similar to that. Do you really think that the guy who wanted a "Master Race" and ordered the execution of 6 million Jews was looking out for the common good???

It is scary that the State of Montana allows you to operate motor vehicles in that condition.

Hey Nemont,
Isn't "common good" the argument the Welfare Ranchers offer up as to why they need to keep using MY TAX DOLLARS to overgraze MY PUBLIC LANDS to the detriment of MY HUNTING? You know, the argument about the ranchers being the "backbone of the community" and their wives donating pies to the school fundraiser...
Hey Nemont,
Isn't "common good" the argument the Welfare Ranchers offer up as to why they need to keep using MY TAX DOLLARS to overgraze MY PUBLIC LANDS to the detriment of MY HUNTING? You know, the argument about the ranchers being the "backbone of the community" and their wives donating pies to the school fundraiser...
EG, I have not heard the common good argument from ranchers, I have heard the way of life argument, the fairness of paying estate taxes on the value argument, the destroying the economy of rural America argument but I guess I haven't heard any of the guys I know use the "common good" argument.

So you like the idea of putting your capital at risk and making a profit and then turning a larger share of it over to Hillary. You think Hillary and her kind are going to help you get those dams breached? Doubt it.

Also you sometimes forget that it is also MY PUBLIC LAND and MY HUNTING as well as MY TAX DOLLARS . You don't have the market cornered on the sole use of PUBLIC land because the last time I checked I was part of the PUBLIC as well. At least I think I am.

Maybe you just need to go soak up the good, warm feelings you get from Michael Moore's "documentary" in order to calm down. :D :D

What is the difference between "common good" and the fear of "destroying the economy of rural America argument"?

Thanks for not replying, I see your are now beginning to take Nemont's advice, and not posting when it will make you look foolish.
What is the difference between "common good" and the fear of "destroying the economy of rural America argument"?
One is more defined then the other. I don't know what Hillary's "common good" is. I would suspect I would disagree with her definition.

Thanks for keeping me in the lime light... I really don't need it, but I do appreciate it...

I haven't been commenting on a lot of things, because you just aren't worth commenting on...