Battle of the grizz


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2017
Home of the OTC
Probably won't go in the direction of sensible grizzly management, but at least they're trying. I just wish the direction from biologists would supercede those from the warm and fuzzies....looking at you CATs

This kills me to read. If they had it their way, could we not hunt deer or elk or sheep or moose or grouse or pheasant or ducks or geese or anything else? Literally everything would be off-limits and then the same people would be getting shit on their heads from the birds, their cars rammed by Elk, dogs eaten by gators and bear fights at the kids’ bus stop like Jersey? The list goes on…

They need managed. I’d feel safer in my own woods knowing I’m not facing a potential fed case if my life is “endangered”.

Funny play on words there, see, because I’M on the endangered list- in my opinion.

Go ID! and WY and MT. I love that they’ve made a recovery. Beautiful animals! I’m so so thankful they’re not extinct. Now let’s address the new problem.
This is my turf...these folks held a funeral for the bears at a local pub after this whole thing. The bears were running through a local residents yard daily, they called up F&G and told them to come deal with them or they would for their kids safety. They were running amok in a rural subdivision hitting trash cans, chicken coops etc. There's lots of neat video, but this group isn't being honest saying there was no conflict nor were they problem bears....
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