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  1. OpenSeason

    Hunting/Fishing Barriers to Entry

    I like that! I completely agree, technology and countless tutorial videos have helped tremendously.
  2. OpenSeason

    Hunting/Fishing Barriers to Entry

    Absolutely! I've noticed some states have their regs pretty clear and the websites or literature they offer on them are good. While others will have the regs on a website that has not been updated since 1999. Definitely exaggerating but some times feel that way.
  3. OpenSeason

    Hunting/Fishing Barriers to Entry

    I've definitely felt this. I'm between Utah and South Carolina. Eastern states have a lot less public land than western states so that has been a huge barrier.
  4. OpenSeason

    Hunting/Fishing Barriers to Entry

    For sure! My issue sometimes was analysis paralysis. There are some many resources now that is literally is info overload and so many competing voices and opinions. That is great!
  5. OpenSeason

    Hunting/Fishing Barriers to Entry

    Hey Everyone, I am interested to hear some of your all's biggest barriers to entry for either fishing or hunting. As child I lived overseas and never had the chance to go hunting or learn from a young age. Once I got to college all I wanted to do was hunt and Fish but found some considerable...
  6. OpenSeason

    reasonably priced gun case that is over 54" long for my suppressed 300 RUM ?

    I also have that habor freight case. Its the smaller size for camera gear. It is great! I imagine most these hard cases beside a few brands are made in the same factory with different stickers haha
  7. OpenSeason

    Spearfishing Big Island

    Sounds like a blast! The only thing I've heard is that its exhausting. I think there was a meat eater episode where he went to the big island and spearfished. There was some great info there.
  8. OpenSeason

    what is your favorite non american tv show

    The kingdom on netflix is actually really good. Korean zombies during feudal Korea. But its not corny at all. Actually has early walking dead vibes.
  9. OpenSeason

    Anybody else excited for Topgun: Maverick?

    I thought it was a change up from the typical superhero movie.
  10. OpenSeason

    It's Public Land. But The Public Can't Reach It.

    Wow that is fascinating! I would never of thought of that. Crazy how if not for tech that would have gone unnoticed. I wonder if some of these ranchers or farmers have a claim through adverse possession for some of that locked land?
  11. OpenSeason

    Rifle window shopping for new hunter

    Take into account your Glass and Rings and ammo. It often is an afterthought. Good glass is worth every penny.
  12. OpenSeason

    Rotator cuff surgery

    A lot depends on how dedicated you are to your Physical Therapy. My buddy had a similar injury and I had a torn labrum. PT helped tremendously.
  13. OpenSeason

    Anybody else excited for Topgun: Maverick?

    Best movie of 2022 by far.
  14. OpenSeason

    What are you currently reading?

    The Lean Startup by Eric Ries. Great book pretty quick read. Great storys on entrepreneurship and awesome teachings on improving your work to ideally receive quality feedback, less waste, less energy, and validated learning.
  15. OpenSeason

    Ice fishing

    Deer Creek Reservoir outside of Park City Utah has been packed with fishermen since the snow storms.
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