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  1. G


    Looks like a great trip! Hope your next one is just as good!
  2. G

    African Safari- Kuche Safaris

    Just to clarify, my wife and I went with Langkloof Hunting and Safari. They have a game farm as well on another property, but the hunting concession is independent of that. It was like Disneyland for archery hunters!
  3. G

    African Safari- Kuche Safaris

    My wife and I just got back two days ago from the Limpopo region. Both of us were archery hunting and it was a great experience. Stay right on the poperty. Food and accomodations were amazing. Picked us up in Johanessburg and went straight to the lodge and dropped us off 3 hours before our...
  4. G

    Yukon Dream fulfilled, in pictures.

    Making memories! Great story you guys!!
  5. G

    Any Fin Goes - Fish & Fishing Conservation Stories

    Great watch. Hope they keep doing them.
  6. G

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    ok, will do. Thanks
  7. G

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    I use Google Chrome. Im not sure how to clear it.
  8. G

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    yeah, mine is not filling in. Waited a couple of minutes.
  9. G

    Ask your onX Hunt questions here!

    My terrain x is coming up, but no map wo go along with it. Its just a white screen. I am sure it is user error. Any suggestions?
  10. G

    Draft Regs posted

    So if I'm following your train of thought, by having 150 Type 9 tags hunting in an area will push more elk off the public than 500 type 1 tag holders hunting with a bow....because they won't put in maximum effort??
  11. G

    Draft Regs posted

    I guess where the differentiation comes from, is everyone's different opinion of a quality hunting experience. For some, it is just being outdoors with friends and family and hopefully grab some winter meat. In this instance, the more people the better. However, for others it is being able to...
  12. G

    Draft Regs posted

  13. G

    Draft Regs posted

    On the elk note, I see they are proposing in Area 45 that archery hunting will be type 9 tags only. And then the other end of the spectrum, Area 39 Type 6 hunters will be allowed during the archery season. If one agrees or disagrees with these changes, please be sure to input!!
  14. G

    Ground blind and broadheads

    If your set up will allow for it, absolutely!
  15. G

    Ground blind and broadheads

    Spend a little extra money on your ground blind and go with a larger size than you think you need. We finally got smart and went that direction and what a difference it makes!
  16. G

    NR Wyoming Elk App Question

    Hope it was a good area and you get drawn!
  17. G

    WY elk hunt

    You will do well.
  18. G

    WY elk hunt

    That will help considerably. Which outfitter, unless you would rather not say?
  19. G

    WY elk hunt

    Good Luck KSArcher. I've hunted that tag twice with no pictures to show for it. Got into elk fairly consistently on the second trip. Weather plays a role for sure. I think some road closures scheduled for this year coming up might help the hunting on the north end of the unit. Great country...