Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Hustling to my truck to make a play on this Montana FWP "mature buck!"
  2. canadiantuxedo

    Non resident Landowner incentive.

    Yeah the sarcasm must not have made it through.. We keep electing representatives that propose/enact laws directly opposed by a majority of Montanans on a whole host of outdoor issues. It's frustrating. HB 635 and bulls for billionaires are like Keystone light and natural light. They are both...
  3. canadiantuxedo

    Non resident Landowner incentive.

    The majority of Montanans love bulls for billionaires. We re-elected all the representatives who passed it.
  4. canadiantuxedo

    Non resident Landowner incentive.

    Yes and yes. Go check out the hunting in New Mexico and Texas for what the short-term and long-term future looks like if we continue to get railroaded by NR landowners.
  5. canadiantuxedo

    Non resident Landowner incentive.

    You are mistaken. I am not talking about the rights of the landowner. I am talking about the opportunity provided to the hunter. If game animals are on privately owned land, no hunter has the opportunity to hunt them without the landowner's permission. On the other hand, if the landowner can...
  6. canadiantuxedo

    Non resident Landowner incentive.

    I'm not sure how you can provide equal opportunity to hunting and fishing without regard to land ownership, when land harboring game animals can be privately owned. I took a nice muley on my folks property one year that I am positive I had the exclusive opportunity to hunt.
  7. canadiantuxedo

    Utah closes shed antler hunting until May 1st

    Absolutely. I rode a chairlift up a Colorado resort a few years ago with a fellow many decades my senior. He was telling me about how he used to drive a two lane highway and park in the shoulder to ski the portion of the mountain we were on. I glanced behind me to see four lanes of interstate, a...
  8. canadiantuxedo

    Sen Daines booted from twitter for hunting pic

    Be proud of your grip n' grins. Nice speed goat too.
  9. canadiantuxedo

    Hunting Grizz soon?

    The ESA exists, and I quote from the enabling law creating the Act, to protect species from extinction as a "consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation" and to protect "the ecosystems on which endangered species and threatened species depend."...
  10. canadiantuxedo

    Hunting Grizz soon?

    I was all for the delisting of g-bears and the transfer of their management to the states until I attended a talk last week hosted by Todd Wilkinson and Christopher Servheen. Servheen led g-bear conservation in the US for the federal government for 35 years. While he once supported delisting...
  11. canadiantuxedo

    UPOM suing FWP over elk regulations

    No update, but I did see a recent opinion column pointing out that RMEF has not joined the intervenors. This is disheartening. How can an organization whose stated mission is to "ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage," sit this one out...
  12. canadiantuxedo

    Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

    I was born and raised in Bozeman and still live here. Same with my Dad. Same with his Mom until she passed. It is the best place on earth. If the influx of people and congestion bothers you, wake up earlier. It is honestly that simple.
  13. canadiantuxedo

    New FWP Commissioners

    Yes. Losing Byorth hurts.
  14. canadiantuxedo

    Truck Topper: Leer vs A.R.E.

    Nothing but good things to say about ARE toppers. Their MX topper had all the features I was looking for, including a coat-rack insert. Because as a Montana attorney who drives across the State, it is imperative to be able to strip out of your monkey suit and into some adventure apparel on your...
  15. canadiantuxedo

    New FWP Commissioners

    What do folks have to say about the new FWP Commissioners appointed today by Governor Gianforte? As per the link below: Jeff Burrows, Hamilton: A Hamilton native, Burrows has served as a Ravalli County Commissioner since 2012, working with partners to advocate for the responsible management...
  16. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    You hit the nail on the head with that one!
  17. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    You sound just like this FWP. Just a couple of posts ago you said the FWP was in favor of extending the season in HD 313 (a general permit area) because you heard it was biologically feasible. Now you are saying there aren't any elk to hunt in general areas. Like you, I have heard from people...
  18. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    In my lifetime the number of elk in Montana has increased. The mix of general and limited entry districts have allowed people to enjoy both hunt opportunity and quality. In fact, most of the asinine proposals made by this FWP find foundation in their argument that elk are at or over objective...
  19. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    This is a very odd talking point I continue to hear from this administration and its supporters: "at least this FWP is getting the ball rolling," or something along those lines. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'd rather have an FWP do nothing than have an FWP continually making asinine...
  20. canadiantuxedo

    Montana Corner Crossing Updated?

    If your barometer for whether the people of Montana should determine the outcome of an issue is whether or not they have a fully-informed, highly nuanced understanding of the issue, then nothing should ever be presented to the public. The fact is the Montana Constitution, Article III, Section...
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