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  1. Wrong Burgundy

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Zero. Again. Good grief. 21 points. One of these days? Is that the saying I should stick with?
  2. Wrong Burgundy

    Travel-friendly Surf Casting Rod/Reel setup for Baja recommendations

    Awesome advice, thanks for that! Also appreciate the reel suggestions. I was looking at a few in the 6500 to 8000 range, so that helps knowing your personal experience.
  3. Wrong Burgundy

    Are hunter numbers down?

    From the Outdoor Industry Assoc. 2022 report: The 2023 Special Report on Hunting and the Shooting Sports provides a comprehensive look at the more than 14 million Americans ages 6 and over who participated at least once in hunting with both firearms and archery equipment in 2022. The report...
  4. Wrong Burgundy

    Travel-friendly Surf Casting Rod/Reel setup for Baja recommendations

    That I am not 100% sure about. When I went, and was spearfishing in particular, I speared about 4 fish one day (triggerfish and 3 small snappers) and fishing from the beach kept a few pargo and threw back a bunch of smaller random fish. All roosterfish get released. That would likely be a...
  5. Wrong Burgundy

    Travel-friendly Surf Casting Rod/Reel setup for Baja recommendations

    I will check out that reel for sure. Appreciate it! Regarding the rabbit hole question, on the regs/license side, I have used sites like this: to find the right permit. One nice thing in Mexico is if you are fishing from the beach or accessing...
  6. Wrong Burgundy

    Spot Hogg Wise Guy Cameron Haynes edition Or Wise guy Black BOA Strap Strap?

    You are on the right path for sure. I am a fan of a release with a strap for many of the same reasons, and I really like having it right there when I need it, regardless of if I am glassing, ranging, etc. Yep, every release can be adjusted, but on the Carter release, the tension range goes...
  7. Wrong Burgundy

    New MR Metcalf has 3 New Bag Sizes

    Take a look at the Quick Attach Zoid bags for internal storage/organization. The clear sides makes it easy to see your gear. You can fit two in the 75 or 100 and I think one on the 50.
  8. Wrong Burgundy

    Spot Hogg Wise Guy Cameron Haynes edition Or Wise guy Black BOA Strap Strap?

    Get a Carter Like Mike II Index Finger Release. The amount you can adjust the tension is awesome. It was the fix for my target panic, and is so well made. You can also be sure you will never ask about Cam again and a release. Just a thought.
  9. Wrong Burgundy

    Travel-friendly Surf Casting Rod/Reel setup for Baja recommendations

    Hey all of you saltwater drinking fishing legends who crush big fish on surf casting setups. Can you part with some knowledge on a solid 10-11' surf casting rod and reel with the intent of targeting 10 to potentially 30 or 40 lb. fish? The family and I are headed back to Baja this summer, and I...
  10. Wrong Burgundy

    300 prc for baited bear

    How about use a bow?
  11. Wrong Burgundy

    Tailgate Pics

    Please tell us that he hunted exactly as photographed. That is like the Jimmy Buffett of trad hunting. Awesome.
  12. Wrong Burgundy

    Tailgate Pics

    1990 antelope hunt in MT. Jeans, soda, Bronco and bologna sandwiches and my dad's old boots that were too big. Good times...
  13. Wrong Burgundy

    Fear of Lost Keys

    Two is one, one is none? Is that how the saying goes? I am a big fan of three, yep, three truck keys. Not getting home after a hunt won't be due to a lost key....that's my OCD kicking in I guess.
  14. Wrong Burgundy

    Great Social Media posts?

    Also, I passed over the "BornPrimitiveTactical" too fast.....what in the absolute shytebag is that? I am envisioning a caveman wearing a molle-covered loincloth toting a spear with a red dot on it.... Can every hunting influencer just take a friggin' break from soiling everything good and...
  15. Wrong Burgundy

    Montana Mountain Goat- at wits end

    #tentlivesmatter #WhatTheHillebergAreYouDoing #NoShelterNoProblem
  16. Wrong Burgundy

    Deer - lets see em

    That is awesome. I love the 'boomerang' right side.
  17. Wrong Burgundy

    Yukon Dream fulfilled, in pictures.

    @Big Fin Outstanding hunts and story to go along with them. Thanks for letting us tag along here. Awesome!
  18. Wrong Burgundy

    Montana Mountain Goat- at wits end

    No kidding! Greenhorn should charge for hunt planning and logistics, I think there is a "Free to a good Home" tent somewhere, and I may offer up my bridge repair services to round it out.
  19. Wrong Burgundy

    Montana Mountain Goat- at wits end

    I started scanning this 18 page post a bit ago, then became too pissed off at all of it to finish. Well, it is Monday, I wasn't able to get out on the opener, and am buried at work waiting for this coming weekend to chase deer and elk and fill some tags. I am in a curmudgeonly mood, one would...
  20. Wrong Burgundy

    From Brews to Bourbons: Drinks to Avoid.

    That is a great beer. Wolverine piss is where it is at. Some people call that 'flavor'.
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