Caribou Gear

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  1. A

    Where do you buy bulk ammo?

    I order a lot of 10mm target rounds from freedom Ammo, been good stuff so far. I used to get spirit Ammo locally for a fair price, until I had a double charge make my G20 go kaboom. That sucked and they are out of business now. I contacted the former owner and he said " the kid who was on the...
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    Fishing learning resources

    Funny video. But seriously, I have no knowlage of any fishing besides trout in rivers and streams, when I was little, like six or so my dad tought me to fish in a little creek full of Browns. We would use a peice of worm on a size 8 hook and walk down stream, we would stand a good distance above...
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    Utah - A special kind of crazy

    Wow, thank you for that info on DLL. I think that monte crisco would have much less in the way of deer and elk without that huge track of land that basically protects them from the herds of road hunters up there every October. But I'd be happier with them if they didn't heard the elk back into...
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    Utah - A special kind of crazy

    Dukes. That was not intended to be a rant or troll or anything of the sort, just wanted to give some insite into the politics here. I have nothing against my church or its members. I'm actually impressed with how slick and unassuming they are with their power. That last artical Randy posted has...
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    Concealed carry

    you will not be disappointed with the shield in 9mm. A lot of us carry and quilify with them. The safety is useless. I've heard there is an aftermarket safety but not looked into it or know anyone who has one. The only thing I like about the safety is to use it when I have to shove it in a glove...
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    Concealed carry

    I just have never experienced any amount of miss fires in mag Ammo, LR for sure but not the magnum. Maybe I'm just lucky. Not sure.
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    Concealed carry

    Dan O It does help me and the officer identify flinch, absolutely. But I find the majority of officers STILL won't practice enuf dry fire and other drills to over come the very common flinch. So I believe the majority of ccp holders as well WONT practice the basic skills nesesary to effectively...
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    Utah - A special kind of crazy

    ERSS Funny.
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    Utah - A special kind of crazy

    As a native born utahn... I say to understand the politics of this state you have understand and fully comprehend the almost uncomprehending and slick way the local church can influence opinion. This is one of if not the only state whose church leaders could ask there people to cut the state off...
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    Concealed carry

    Dan O... Very very good point on the ability to identifi and clear a malfunction in an auto, a concideration I had not even thought about as a factor in selecting a carry weapon for an average citizen. I'm also an LEO handgun/shotgun instructor and other than the bi annual qualifier I ALWAYS...
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    Preseason fitness for easterner

    Inturn it* Intensity
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    Preseason fitness for easterner

    For daily work out I like simple body weight stuff, pull ups, dips deep slow air squats and calf raises. Once a week sprint work for cardio vascular capacity/endurance. I.E. Sprint as fast and as hard as you can, say one block then walk 2 or three blocks at least until your heart rate levels of...
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    Concealed carry

    Ruger LCR in .22 mag is worth a look, 9 rds, incredible trigger, very light and compact, very easy to hide and for self defense range applications, I would bet my life on it. Some people might want a bigger round and bigger is (almost) always better but in the totality of the circumstances you...
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    Elk and rain?

    Well, got it done on the evening of the second day, 30yrd shot, 3/4 mile downhill pack out. I've never seen so many animals out all day long like I did this weekend. The temp drop and on and off rain was perfect. Getting a 30 yard shot in the area I was in has showed me that taking up archery...
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    Elk and rain?

    Well, every time I check the weather report it changes. Less chance of rain but the temps are predicted to drop 15-20deg lower than what we have. That's good I guess, not much chance of blessed snow though. I hope you find some animals in that new extended unit Zack. If we get a foot or more...
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    Elk and rain?

    I'm keeping my finger crossed for snow at night. I'm hunting on he other side of monte just west of Randolph. Been hunting deer and elk, coyotes and grouse with some cottontail mixed in. In that same area for about 10 years now and I know the area/animals well. KSL says lows of 33 or so in...
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    what knife???

    Still have this knife, I finally had to sharpen it after and deer pack out. Gutted 7 deer One pronghorn Quatered and deboned 3 of the 7 deer for pack out Butchered one deer a fee years ago with it for fun Keep in mind, very very carefull with cutting hair and running accoss bone. Took an edge...
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    Elk and rain?

    First post here I believe. Hello all. I've got a cow tag for the Cashe unit here in UT. I've been hunting the same area sence the opening of the archery season (deer and elk tag) I know the area and the animals here well, I have never hunted them in day after day of possible rain like the...
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    what knife???

    Gerber Freeman S30V.... Last knife I will ever buy, ever.
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    Cat ?

    Those of you who have harvested mountian lion, or know anything of there habits, I watch the PH's in the dark continent bait leapords with a dead carcase and use the intrails as a drag for a while to get them to the bait. Would this wrk on mounitan lion? I dont know of the legalitys and wat not...

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