Caribou Gear

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  1. G

    How to piss off a Moose

    Yessir is was.
  2. G

    How to piss off a Moose

    haha, i thought this was hilarious!
  3. G

    Utah Bull, with pictures :)

    LMAO!!! HAHA!!! you should post that on MM and see what kind of a reaction you get, along with your fuzzy rainbow slippers haha:D
  4. G

    Couple Campers Have Deer For Dinner

    I don't know if yall have seen this, if it's old or not, but i thought it was pretty funny.
  5. G

    Moose runs from a train

    this sucks. i was just talking to moosie, and apparently this happens a lot. saying that moose can't run in the snow, so they hop on the tracks and try to outrun the train. this one didn't make it. too bad
  6. G


    If anything i would expect you and warren to be wearing the same shirt, and why are the parrot fish snorkeling instead of swimming like normal fish?
  7. G

    Internet Hunting?!?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!

    Idaho lawmakers seek to ban remote-control hunts By ALICIA P.Q. WITTMEYER Associated Press Writer BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Ready, aim, click. It’s called remote-control hunting. A gun is hooked up to a webcam, placed in a field, and with a little fancy mousework, you can hunt deer in Texas from your...
  8. G

    Thanx Idaho Bugler....

    ahh man.....that's my sister!!:eek: :BLEEP:
  9. G

    Coolness Test

    Mine punched me in the face:eek:
  10. G

    da bears

    aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha:D i knew Grossman was a flammin FA:BLEEP: OT aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha
  11. G

    Super Bowl

    my team didn't even made the playoffs (49ers), so once again you are wrong....see if we would have bet that you would have lost, like i said..... but it's no big deal, they still have the best teams assembled (82, 85, 89, 90, and o yeah 95...i might be mistaken but weren't they the first team to...
  12. G

    Super Bowl

    i DoNt HaVe EsPn, I dOnT eVeN hAvE CaBlE, bUt I wAs StIlL aBlE tO wAtCh KaNsAs KnOcK oUt McCoY aNd KiCk ThE sHiT oUt Of ThE LoNgHoRnS:D i JuSt KnOw WhAt Im TaLkInG aBoUt....KeEp DrEaMiN bOuT yOuR hArLeY and also, why would i bet $20 with someone i don't know or trust, and i don't even know if...
  13. G

    Super Bowl

    Who do you think should be in the super bowl??? SAN DIEGO VS. DALLAS...and no, neither of these are my teams, the only thing keeping these two teams from not making it were the efforts of a few choice idiots, and one costly mistate....SD should have, and would have, beat the Pats had it not been...
  14. G

    Super Bowl

    This years Super Bowl is a wash, i say we forget about it and look forward to next year... Rex the hell does a QB with a rateing of 1 in 3 games make it to the super bowl?!?!?!?!?!?!?! he is the most undeserving QB in the leage to be playing in the Super Bowl!!!! hell even...
  15. G

    Moosie's "do do" Challange thats what she was laughing about in bed last night....i thought it was me....hump well if i do do everything for Mooise, then niether of us get anything done
  16. G

    Moosie's "do do" Challange

    HOW TO CLEAN A WHITE BOARD OPTION #1 Use the Dry Eraser, the one that resembles say a "chalk eraser", in which case you smear around everything that was marked on the it red, green, blue, words, drawings, or just squigalies made by Moosie trying to be funny. OPTION #2 Windex and a...
  17. G

    Who is here today ?!?!?!

    at least she is drinking a "DIET" coke......maybe i could get her to try on my curtains next......she would look good in a navy blue bikini.....hump
  18. G

    Who is here today ?!?!?!

    at least she is drinking a "DIET" coke......maybe i could get her to try on my curtains next......she would look good in a navy blue bikini.....hump
  19. G

    My Florida Gator Hunt

    Are you an Ohio St. fan by any chance?
  20. G

    Geaux Tigers!!!

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