NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Search results

  1. StrongmanHuntsBigGame

    Idaho Pioneer Elk

    Hey Everyone, Just a quick recap to elk season so far. Spent September bow hunting and had 3 separate encounters with Bulls but couldn't quite seal the deal. I am 0/8 on my elk attempts so far and looking to take advantage of what little opportunity I have left with my tag. With the bow now...
  2. StrongmanHuntsBigGame

    Backpacking tents/sleep systems... thoughts?

    I am curious to see if anyone else has run into this issue, or what their best solution has been? Previously, we have purchased a light weight 2p tent (my dad and I hunt together in late September at high elevations and we backpack all of our gear in). In our experience the 2p tent is too...
  3. StrongmanHuntsBigGame

    New guy from Idaho!

    I'm new to this forum and I have lived in Idaho my entire life. I am a novice hunter or expert hiker, whichever way you look at it. I am pretty much all self-taught and have gotten my old man into the outdoors as my love for it has developed. I mainly hunt deer and elk but have so far only found...