Hunt Talk

We did the fly in and saw a far amount of moose. I only saw one big one 48" and couldn't get close enough for a shot. My buddy and I both saw another that went probably 40". Our guides were Glen and Henry. I am not sure I would go back with Eric again though. It appears he has sold off some of his camps with the possibility of retiring. Just seems like he might be over hunting the camps that are still operating.
I think he was down sizing to 4-5 camps and he did say it was hard to get enough guides to operate all of them. He was then reasonably priced compared to other outfitters. Did you and your buddy each get a moose and what week did you go. I was down late in the season this time I was thinking about going the 3 or 4 week to try and get one to come to the call.Thanks for the info
We did both get moose and saw quite a few, they were smaller bulls and we waited to the last day before we decided to fill our tags. We went second week and the rut already was going because bulls were locked down with cows. If I was to go with Eric again I would make it a point that I would only go if Henry and Glen were our guides.
Thanks for the good info. This is the first time I joined a hunting form I’m old school guy learning as I go. Are our conversations private between me and you I don’t want to say something about a situation on my hunt that might make someone mad.