Caribou Gear Tarp

Recent content by wct12

  1. wct12

    Tell me about your obscure cartridge

    6.5 rem mag.. currently burning through shells that were handloaded in 1984 according to the boxes. Remington rifle that came from the Remington custom shop before I bought it.
  2. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    Casey Anderson 2 nights ago in the videos you posted said a "few" wild deer have been found to be carriers of that less susceptible/genetic marker that prolongs a deers life cycle before showing symptoms of cwd.. Wouldnt it be best if it was tested for (let's use my Williston example again)...
  3. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    Although I showed up to the meeting with questions about the state/nd game and fish and moving forward with CWD/baiting in the state.. I also had questions/concerns on a multitude of other topics that are valid in the state. And possibilities to get our youth involved and active in the...
  4. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I ask you to find where in that video I said what the game and fish is stating is "bullchit".. (My voice is the one asking about CWD questions, youth tags in North Dakota and following a montana type approach, and the turning of a usfw refugee into a "trophy unit"/quota unit). Did I call out...
  5. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    Its a little more recent rhen that timeframe if i remember correctly but a compromise of eposting and having an app like onx was made on a contreversial bill back then (2315) that has opened some of that access back up to sportsmen, at least on our land and some land in our neighboring areas...
  6. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    This has always been about trying to find some form of compromise.. Listen to Paul's testimony. Theres been numerous meetings attempted with Jeb and other members of the game and fish department even before Jeb was appointed director. As I've said before the access issue isn't a path that...
  7. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    You and your constituents along with federations/organizations did a good of rallying the troops in opposition on the senate side. Thanks for th polite discussion and back and forth today brock.
  8. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I was agaisnt a compromise once it got to that point also, as we had been trying to find one for years with out as much as nibble but was curious as to what the game and fish presented. What we're some of the options discussed?
  9. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I've been very upfront in being in support of hunting over bait so far on this and other sites and was in bismarck to testify in support so I dont where that confusion is coming from? Plus my name is wyatt. Edit: Didn't see your edit. Sorry about that.
  10. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    You would have opposed it even into the proclamation and not through the legislature to keep the power with the game and fish? Honestly wondering there not trying to argue. Did you ever hear what the compromise Jeb Williams and the game and fish presented to the senate committee in their 2...
  11. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I literally stated the less populated half of the state in the first post of mine today that you quoted today.. so yes I do realize those demographics. How many residents from those towns of over 2000+ recreate on land that less than 10% of households own (north dakota is 93% privately owned if...
  12. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    Vocal minority back then? The first year that bill was introduced in 2007 and it didnt even make it off the first floor, and was shot down quite easily in 2009 also. At the CWD specific meeting last fall in minot Charlie bahnson asked myself and a few others in the small groups we had to break...
  13. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I'm not arguing that 80% that turn surveys in agree with that. I'm honestly just curious of the type of response the game and fish gets on any survey sent out, and the geography that those sent back in come from.
  14. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    I greatly appreciate your last paragraph in this post, it's one thing that we have looked for for many years on multiple topics that has yet to happen. As far as those surveys sent out.. I would be curious to know what percentage responded and the geography they got responses from. If you sat...
  15. wct12

    Baiting Bill (1151) is Senate side

    If someone so chooses in any unit in North Dakota right now they could go dump semi loads of grain/feed out year round (terrible idea, trust me.. I know) and put trail cams up, sit there and take pictures/video with a camera, etc.. They just can't sit there with a bow. Someone in those units...

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